BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:4620alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=America/Chicago:20250119T120000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=America/Chicago:20250119T235900 URL: LOCATION:2311 N 90th St\, Omaha\, NE 68134\, USA SUMMARY:Omaha Standard CTK CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:Come to Dragon's Lair (90th and Blondo location) in Omaha on Su nday\, January 19th for our next Casual Tournament! We'll be playing Stand ard with either 3 rounds of double-sided swiss or 5-6 rounds of single-sid ed swiss.\nWant to learn more about the Null Signal Games organized play p olicies and code of conduct?\nBeen away from the game for a while and curi ous about some of the changes?\nJoin us in the Prairie Grid Discord!\nPriz es:\nWinner: Invitation to the 2026 Circuit Breaker Invitational Champions hip (if there are at least 8 players attending)\nTop 2: See How They Run p laymat.\nTop 4: 3× Tranquility Home Grid alt art\nTop 8: 3× Tree Line al t art.\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:
Come to Dragon's Lair (90th and Blondo loca tion) in Omaha on Sunday\, January 19th for our next Casual Tournament! We 'll be playing Standard with either 3 rounds of double-sided swiss or 5-6 rounds of single-sided swiss.
\nWant to learn more about the Null Sig nal Games organized play policies and code of conduct?
\nBeen away from the ga me for a while and curious about some of the changes?
\nJoin us in the Prairie Grid Discord!
\nPrizes:\nWinner: Invitation to the 2026 Circuit Breaker Invitatio nal Championship (if there are at least 8 players attending)\nTop 2: See H ow They Run playmat.\nTop 4: 3× Tranquility Home Grid alt art\nTop 8: 3× Tree Line alt art.