BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:462alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=Europe/Amsterdam:20170304T103000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=Europe/Amsterdam:20170304T235900 URL: LOCATION:Zoutmanstraat 94\, 2518 GT Den Haag\, Netherlands SUMMARY:Spellenhuis - Cube Draft CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:One of many Cube Draft events to come!\nJoin us for an awesome draft event where the only thing you have to do is bring just a few specif ic cards and a bunch of sleeves to participate!\nNo pre-built combo decks and stuff to knock you down! No recurring siphon spams! Only wacky deckbui lding and awesome ~ crazy ~ pure Netrunner games!\nLocation ~ Den Haag - S pellenhuis\nTO: Constantine Kelfecil Chr\nSign up: 10:30\nStart 10:45\nPri ce of admission: 5\,- €\nPLEASE SIGN-UP if you're coming so that we know who to expect! :)\nPrize support ~~~ Special Stuff!\nThe prizes given at drafts are exclusive to the draft events! Sometimes we will play a GNK kit provided by the store\, but in most cases\, there will be special tokens and other things for the top 2/3 players.\nParticipation prizes are always there of course too!\nYou need to bring:\nCorp:\nPriority Requisition x5\ nPrivate Contracts x2\nRunner:\nArmitage Codebusting x2\nForce of Nature x 1\nAurora x1\nPipeline x1\nAnd about x80 Sleeves.\nWe will play with 8 or more people\, so feel free to sign up even if there are already 8 people i nterested. We have plenty of cards to fill up the cube. :)\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:
One of many Cube Draft events to come!
\ nJoin us for an awesome draft event where the only thing you have to do is bring just a few specific cards and a bunch of sleeves to participate!
\nNo pre-built combo decks and stuff to knock you down! No recurrin g siphon spams! Only wacky deckbuilding and awesome ~ crazy ~ pure Netrunn er games!
\nPrize support ~~~ Special Stuff!
\nThe prizes given a t drafts are exclusive to the draft events! Sometimes we will play a GNK k it provided by the store\, but in most cases\, there will be special token s and other things for the top 2/3 players.
\nYou need to bring:\nCorp:\nPriori ty Requisition x5\nPrivate Contracts x2
\nRunner:\nArmitage Codebust ing x2\nForce of Nature x1\nAurora x1\nPipeline x1
\nWe will play with 8 or more people\, so feel free to sig n up even if there are already 8 people interested. We have plenty of card s to fill up the cube. :)