BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:4617alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20250302T100000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20250302T235900 URL: onship LOCATION:398 Perry Hwy\, Pittsburgh\, PA 15229\, USA SUMMARY:Pittsburgh District Championship CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:Pittsburgh District Championship\nAll bridges to victory run th rough Pittsburgh 🌉\nEntry Fee: $20 per player\nRegistration Time: 9:00- 9:45a\nPlayers Meeting/Pairings: 9:50a\nFirst Round Begins: 10a sharp (Ple ase do not be late)\nFilming: We will be filming one game per round and th e cut will be recorded for a post-event video. Please let us know at regis tration if you do not want to be recorded.\nDecklists: Required for all en trants prior to the event start. You can complete this by:\n\nFilling out a blank copy provided at the event during registration\nCompleting and pri nting out ahead of time using this link and bringing your printed copy.\nS elf-register on the Tournament Page and submit your decklists there.\n\nPi ttsburgh Netrunners is excited to announce our first ever District Champio nship! The event will take place at Game Masters\, just north of the city! They have been gracious enough to open the store just for Netrunner\, so please be courteous (and say thank you!) to staff members! This event is o pen to all ages.\nThere will be a cafe open in store until about 5pm the d ay of the event!\nThis will be a standard competitive tier tournament usin g banlist 24.12\nTournament structure will be six rounds of single sided S wiss (dependent on player count)\, followed by a top cut if necessary.\nYo u can find Null Signal Games organized play policies here\nSteel City Grid Discord Link for updates leading up to the tournament and day of communic ation!\nIf there are any questions\, please contact the TO\, Marcus Ranii at\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:
All bridges to victory run through Pittsburgh 🌉
\nEntry F
ee: $20 per player\nRegistration Time: 9:00-9:45
a\nPlayers Meeting/Pairings: 9:50a\nFirst Round B
egins: 10a sharp (Please do not be late)\nFilming: We will be filming one game per round and the cut will be recorded for
a post-event video. Please let us know at registration if you do not want
to be recorded.
\nDecklists: Required for all entran
ts prior to the event start. You can complete this by:
Pittsburgh N etrunners is excited to announce our first ever District Championship! The event will take place at Game Mast ers\, just north of the city! They have been gracious enough to open t he store just for Netrunner\, so please be courteous (and say thank you!) to staff members! This event is open to all ages.
\nThere will be a cafe open in store until about 5pm the day of the event!
\nThis will be a standard competitive tier tournament using banlist 24.12
\nTourna ment structure will be six rounds of single sided Swiss (dependent on play er count)\, followed by a top cut if necessary.
\nYou can find Null Signal Games organized play policies here
\nSteel City Grid Discord Link for updates leading up to the tournament and day of communication!
\nIf there are any qu estions\, please contact the TO\, Marcus Ranii at jamesmraniidropcho@gmail .com