BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:4613alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=Australia/Brisbane:20250118T103000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=Australia/Brisbane:20250118T235900 URL: urnament-2025 LOCATION:LG/62 Queen St\, Brisbane City QLD 4000\, Australia SUMMARY:Brisbane Startup Casual Tournament 2025 CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:\nThis is a casual Startup format tournament. Everyone is encou raged to come whether you're a tournament veteran or this is your first ne trunner event!\nThe event will be six 40 minute rounds of single sided swi ss and should run from 10:30am until 4pm. Please be at the store at 10am f or registration\, decklists aren't required but please ensure they adhere to the Startup banlist (linked below).\nEntry is $15 paid to the store\, t o cover event costs and contribute to the prize pool.\nProxies are permitt ed\, these should be print-outs of the cards in either greyscale or full-c olour. Please reach out if you need any help proxying cards or anything el se regarding decks\, I'm more than happy to help.\nThe following sets are legal:\n- System Gateway\n- System Update 2021\n- The Automata Initiative\ n- Rebellion Without Rehearsal\nThe 24.09 Startup banlist will be in effec t:\n- Tributary is banned\n- Pharos is banned\n- Creative Commission is ba nned\n- Corp decks may only contain a maximum of 3 agenda cards with a pri nted agenda point value of 3 or greater\nApproximate Schedule:\n10:00 Regi stration\n10:30 Round 1\n11:10 Round 1 Result\n11:20 Round 2\n12:00 Round 2 Result\n12:10 Round 3\n12:50 Round 3 Result\n13:00 Lunch\n13:30 Round 4\ n14:10 Round 4 Result\n14:20 Round 5\n15:00 Round 5 Result\n15:10 Round 6\ n15:50 Round 6 Result\n16:00 Prizes\n16:30 All Done!\nPRIZES!:\nWinner: In vitation to the 2026 Circuit Breaker Invitational\nTop 2: See How They Run Playmat\nTop 4: 3x Tranquility Home Grid alt art by Vitalii Ostaschenko\n Top 8: 3x Tree Line extended art by Emilio RodrÃguez\nParticipation: Choi ce from a random collection of alt-art cards\, chance to win a Vault Games gift voucher (if the event has 10 players)\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:
\nThis is a casual Startup format tournament. Everyone is enc
ouraged to come whether you're a tournament veteran or this is your first
netrunner event!\nThe event will be six 40 minute rounds of single sided s
wiss and should run from 10:30am until 4pm. Please be at the store at 10am
for registration\, decklists aren't required but please ensure they adher
e to the Startup banlist (linked below).\nEntry is $15 paid to the store\,
to cover event costs and contribute to the prize pool.
Proxies ar e permitted\, these should be print-outs of the cards in either greyscale or full-colour. Please reach out if you need any help proxying cards or an ything else regarding decks\, I'm more than happy to help.
\nThe fol lowing sets are legal:\n- System Gateway\n- System Update 2021\n- The Auto mata Initiative\n- Rebellion Without Rehearsal
\nThe 24.09 Startup ban list will be in effect:\n- Tributary is banned\n- Pharos is banned\n- Creative Commission is banned\n- Corp decks may only contain a maximum of 3 agenda cards with a printed agenda point value of 3 or greater
\nA pproximate Schedule:\n10:00 Registration\n10:30 Round 1\n11:10 Round 1 Res ult\n11:20 Round 2\n12:00 Round 2 Result\n12:10 Round 3\n12:50 Round 3 Res ult\n13:00 Lunch\n13:30 Round 4\n14:10 Round 4 Result\n14:20 Round 5\n15:0 0 Round 5 Result\n15:10 Round 6\n15:50 Round 6 Result\n16:00 Prizes\n16:30 All Done!
\nPRIZES!:\nWinner: Invitation to the 2026 Circuit Breake r Invitational\nTop 2: See How They Run Playmat\nTop 4: 3x Tranquility Hom e Grid alt art by Vitalii Ostaschenko\nTop 8: 3x Tree Line extended art by Emilio RodrÃguez\nParticipation: Choice from a random collection of alt- art cards\, chance to win a Vault Games gift voucher (if the event has 10 players)