BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:4602alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=America/Los_Angeles:20250202T130000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=America/Los_Angeles:20250202T235900 URL: LOCATION:13310 Bel-Red Rd\, Bellevue\, WA 98005\, USA SUMMARY:Wildcard CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:Are you upset you never got to play Ireress in Outfit? Do you t hink Window is actually valuable with Class Act? Do you lack access to FFG cards and find yourself avoiding bigger formats like Eclipse or Eternal i n person due to the pain of proxying so many cards? Do you want to play ca rds outside of the meta they were originally intended without having to ho ld a massive card pool in your head?\nDo you like playing bad cards?\nThis is a casual tournament aimed at celebrating cards that saw didn't see the light of day. The format is essentially standard\, but you can include pl aysets of cards that would normally be rotated or banned under the followi ng conditions:\n\nEach playset included this way has a cost\, and a deck c annot contain more than 3 points worth. The cost for each playset is defin ed by the following list. If a card is not in this list\, it is a mistake - please reach out and I will ensure it has a value.\nSome of the stronger 3-point playsets will marked as revealed - this means that a player runni ng a deck with any such card must reveal it to their opponent at the start of the match. Note that because a deck cannot contain more than 3 points\ , this will reveal will of your points spent in their entirety! This is do ne to encourage usage of some weaker cards.\nAll players must reveal the n umber of cards added to their deck this way before the match begins.\nAll playsets use the most recent Errata text where relevant.\nAll other deckbu ilding restrictions including - deck size and influence - must still be me t.\n\nAs always\, proxies are welcome\, so if you're a new player or you d on't have a collection of FFG cards\, fret not!\nRound count will be updat ed here as we approach the tournament\, but I hope to get enough players f or at least 5 rounds Single Sided Swiss.\nRegistration is $10 and can be p aid in cash or in Zelle.\nLastly\, due to a desire to help facilitate prop er revealing\, registration will involve player being handed an index card that contains the pertinent information based on their submitted decks. N amely\, it will state the number of cards included from outside of standar d and any revealed cards for each deck a player is running.\nFor those int erested in how these points are calculated in the list\, I detail that her e - if that's not you\, feel free to ignore this blurb. I have already cac hed a previous version of the Trash or Busto rankings and plan to filter o ut all the existing standard viable cards and split the remaining list int o fifths. Then cards are given properties as denoted here:\nTop fifth: 3 p oints + reveal\n2nd fifth: 3 points\n3rd fifth: 2 points\n4th fifth: 1 poi nts\n5th fifth: 1 point\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:
Are you upset you never got to play Ireress in Outfit? Do you t hink Window is actua lly valuable with Class Act? Do you lack access to FFG cards and find your self avoiding bigger formats like Eclipse or Eternal in person due to the pain of proxying so many cards? Do you want to play cards outside of the m eta they were originally intended without having to hold a massive card po ol in your head?
\nDo you like playing bad cards?
\nThis is a casual tournament aimed at celebrating cards that saw didn't see the light of day. The format is essentially standard\, but you can include playsets of cards that would normally be rotated or banned under the following con ditions:
\nAs always\, proxies are wel come\, so if you're a new player or you don't have a collection of FFG car ds\, fret not!
\nRound count will be updated here as we approach the tournament\, but I hope to get enough players for at least 5 rounds Singl e Sided Swiss.
\nRegistration is $10 and can be paid in cash or in Z elle.
\nLastly\, due to a desire to help facilitate proper revealing \, registration will involve player being handed an index card that contai ns the pertinent information based on their submitted decks. Namely\, it w ill state the number of cards included from outside of standard and any re vealed cards for each deck a player is running.
\nFor those interest ed in how these points are calculated in the list\, I detail that here - i f that's not you\, feel free to ignore this blurb. I have already cached a previous version of the Trash or Busto rankings and plan to filter out all the existin g standard viable cards and split the remaining list into fifths. Then car ds are given properties as denoted here:\nTop fifth: 3 points + reveal\n2n d fifth: 3 points\n3rd fifth: 2 points\n4th fifth: 1 points\n5th fifth: 1 point