BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:4596alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=Europe/London:20241214T120000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=Europe/London:20241214T235900 URL: t-opener LOCATION:43 Cowgate\, Norwich NR3 1SZ\, UK SUMMARY:Norwich 'Last Minute' Circuit Opener CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:Come on down to very last minute Norwich CO on Saturday 14th De cember at The Plasterers Arms (the home of netrunner).\nGiven that the H2 kits have not yet been distributed by NSG (see website for details) I will be posting out the prizes when they arrive but we also have some addition al prizing to tide you over in the mean time.\nThe event will run as four rounds of Double Sided Swiss with no planned top cut.\nThis event will be run with the most recent banlist at the time of the tournament\, even if t hat banlist is released 24 hours before the start time! We will have cards and proxies available on site to help you\nThe event space is basically t he corner of a pub so please be aware that it might be loud. There is 1 st ep required to access the building.\nPlease spend money on food and drink if you are coming :)\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:

Come on down to very last minute Norwich CO on Saturday 14th December at The Plasterers Arms (the home of netrunner).


Given that the H2 kits have not yet been distributed by NSG (see website for details) I will be posting out the prizes when they arrive but we also have some additional prizing to tide you over in the mean time.\n

The event will run as four rounds of Double Sided Swiss with no pla nned top cut.


This event will be run with the most recent banlist at the time of the tournament\, even if that banlist is released 2 4 hours before the start time! We will have cards and proxies available on site to help you


The event space is basically the corner of a pub so please be aware that it might be loud. There is 1 step requir ed to access the building.


Please spend money on food and drink if you are coming :)