BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:4590alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=America/Chicago:20241214T113000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=America/Chicago:20241214T235900 URL: r-2024-h2 LOCATION:3132 N Downer Ave\, Milwaukee\, WI 53211\, USA SUMMARY:Milwaukee WI Circuit Opener 2024 H2 CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:DETAILS\nHosted at Old Guard Games (Facebook / Discord)\nCircui t Opener (CO) Kit - H2 2024\nStandard / Single-sided Swiss / Six (6) Round s\n1130 Central start time (1100 Central - registration starts. Store open s at 1000.)\n40 minutes per round\nStandard Ban List 24.09 will be in effe ct for this event.\nJoin the Wisconsin Netrunner Discord.\nADDITIONAL PRIZ ING\nCommissioned and generously donated to the event by MKE player Gorpha x\, all participants will receive a playset of alt-art M.I.Cs from artist miniplural! (12/05 update)\nOne set of the new Null Signal Games Official Tokens has been added to the prize pool! (12/07 update)\nKM Cloud Technolo gies has graciously offered some of their Netrunner tokens at cost! (updat ed 12/12)\nKev Shirtcliffe of TableTop Upgrades has donated one of his ama zing Netrunner token sets as a prize for this event! (updated 12/13)\nSTRE ET PARKING\nStarting one block north of the store (just north of E Hampsh ire St\, on the east side of N Downer Ave)\, where the meters cease to app ear\, the parking regulations do not apply on Saturdays and Sundays. The s ame applies on E Kenwood Blvd\, east of N Downer Ave. Please pay close att ention to the street parking signs!\nPAID LOT PARKING\nThe Zelazo Surface Lot #9 offers paid parking\, and is accessible off of N Prospect Ave\, bet ween E Kenwood Blvd and and E Linwood Ave. Cost is $1.50 per hour\, payabl e at the kiosk or via the ParkMobile (Apple App Store / Google Play)\, Pas sport Parking (Apple App Store / Google Play)\, and PayByPhone (Apple App Store / Google Play) apps.\nFOOD / DRINKS\nOld Guard has a very limited se lection of drinks and snacks available for purchase - I’d advise bringin g your own. We’ll take a break for food (probably after Round 2) - Noodl es and Company\, Jimmy John’s\, and QDOBA are the nearby convenient opti ons. Please note that the on-campus Taco Bell seems to be closed on weeken ds.\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:
DETAILS\nHosted at Old Guard Games (Facebook / Discord)\nCircuit Opener (CO) Kit - H2 2024\n Standard / Single-sided Swiss / Six (6) Rounds\n1130 Central start time (1 100 Central - registration starts. Store opens at 1000.)\n40 minutes per r ound\nStandard Ban List 24.09 will be in effect for this event.\nJoin t he Wisconsin Netrunner Discord .
\nADDITIONAL PRIZING\nCommissioned and generously donated to the e vent by MKE player Gorphax\, all participants will receive a playset of al t-art M.I.Cs from artist miniplural! (12/05 update)
\nOne set of the new Null Signal Games Official Tokens has been added to the prize pool ! (12/07 update)
\nKM Cloud Technologies has graciously offered some of the ir Netrunner tokens at cost! (updated 12/12)
\nKev Shirtcliffe of TableTop Upgrades has do nated one of his amazing Netrunner token sets as a prize for this event! (updated 12/13)
\nSTREET PARKING\nStarti ng one block north of the store (just north of E Hampshire St\, on the east side of N Dow ner Ave)\, where the meters cease to appear\, the parking regulations do n ot apply on Saturdays and Sundays. The same applies on E Kenwood Blvd\, ea st of N Downer Ave. Please pay close attention to the street parking signs !
\nPAID LOT PARKING\nThe Zelazo Surface Lot #9 offers paid parking\, and is accessi ble off of N Prospect Ave\, between E Kenwood Blvd and and E Linwood Ave. Cost is $1.50 per hour\, payable at the kiosk or via the ParkMobile (Ap ple App Store / Google Play) \, Passport Parking (Apple App Store / Google Play)\, and PayByPhone (Apple App Store / Google Play) apps.
\nFOOD / DRINKS\nOld Guard has a very limited sel ection of drinks and snacks available for purchase - I’d advise bringing your own. We’ll take a break for food (probably after Round 2) - Noodles and Company\, Jimmy John’s\, and QDOBA a> are the nearby convenient options. Please note that the on-campus Taco Bell seems to be closed on weekends.