BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:4587alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=America/Toronto:20241228T170000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=America/Toronto:20241228T235900 URL: et-together-event SUMMARY:Learn2Play and Community Get-Together Event CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:Learn to Play Netrunner and Community Get-Together Event!\nCome join us at Phoenix Games and Hobbies in Kitchener at 5:00 pm for a fun ev ent where you can learn how to play Netrunner while meeting members of the community!\nDon't know what Netrunner is? Netrunner is an asymmetrical cy berpunk card game about a hacker trying to steal\, disrupt\, or otherwise sabotage the agendas of a powerful megacorporation. It plays very differen t from almost all other card games and features strategically deep gamepla y\, a flavorful and interesting universe\, and an incredibly passionate co mmunity!\nAlready a Netrunner player? Come on down and meet new people whi le enjoying games for the System Gateway and Standard formats!\nAll partic ipants and volunteers must agree to the Null Signal Games Code of Conduct\ , found here:\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:
Learn to Play Netrunner and Community Get-T ogether Event!
\nCome join us at Phoenix Games and Hobbies in Kitche ner at 5:00 pm for a fun event where you can learn how to play Netrunner w hile meeting members of the community!
\nDon't know what Netrunner i s? Netrunner is an asymmetrical cyberpunk card game about a hacker trying to steal\, disrupt\, or otherwise sabotage the agendas of a powerful megac orporation. It plays very different from almost all other card games and f eatures strategically deep gameplay\, a flavorful and interesting universe \, and an incredibly passionate community!
\nAlready a Netrunner pla yer? Come on down and meet new people while enjoying games for the System Gateway and Standard formats!
\nAll participants and volunteers must agree to the Null Signal Games Code of Conduct\, found here: https://null