BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:4584alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=America/Los_Angeles:20241205T181500 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=America/Los_Angeles:20241205T235900 URL: akes-kennedys LOCATION:1040 Columbus Ave\, San Francisco\, CA 94133\, USA SUMMARY:December Janksgiving No Stakes @ Kennedy's CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:With Worlds out of the way\, it seems like a good time to try s omething completely different! For the December No Stakes Tournament\, we 'll be using a modified standard format\, where everyone is given a differ ent set of cards they must build their deck around.\nHere's how it works:\ nTo get started deckbuilding\, you have to message me (@Tak) on the SanSan North discord. I'll provide you with 3 random rolls on each side\, which will consist of an ID plus three cards. You'll pick one roll from each s ide to start your deck. If you don't like your options\, you can request one mulligan\, but must use the new roll\, even if you think it's worse th an the original 3.\nDeck building rules are as follows:\n\nYour must use t he ID included in the roll you pick.\nYour deck must include 3 copies of e ach card rolled in your deck. The gods have given you these cards for a re ason. It would be rude to leave them out.\nIf a rolled card\, eg Luminal T ransubstantiation\, specifies that it is 1 per deck you must still include a full 3 copies in your deck.\nEvery identity has 5 TOTAL influence to sp end on ADDITIONAL out of faction cards\, regardless of the ID's normal pri nted influence values.\nCards listed in the rolls you choose DO NOT count against your influence limit. If they are out of faction you must include 3 copies each in addition to the 5 influence points you can spend freely.\ nAll other Standard Format deckbuilding rules apply. Standard card pool an d ban list (unless you get lucky and roll a banned card!). Additionally\, Key Performance Indicators is legal.\n\nTournament format: we will play 4 to 5 rounds of Single Sided Swiss. Everyone will walk away with a prize\, regardless of placement!\nRecommended Entry Fee: $5*\nTo help cover prize support at this event and the weekly meetups\, I kindly request a $5 entr y fee.\n*Although appreciated\, the entry fee is optional. No problem if y ou can't afford it\; I'd rather you come and not pay than not join us at a ll.\nOther Details\nThis event coincides with our regular Thursday night m eetup\, so all are welcome\, even if you don't want to play in the swiss r ounds.\nIf you have any questions or want to hang out with us online\, joi n us on discord!\nThis event is hosted at Kennedy's Irish Pub and Curry Ho use. They have good food and drinks so feel free to get dinner there\, bu t no pressure to spend any money. We won't take a dinner break this time\ , but can start a little later so people can eat before the tournament.\nF or more info on Netrunner around the Bay\, including Learn to Play events\ , casual GNKs\, and tournaments\, check out\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:
With Worlds out of the way\, it seems like a good time to try something completely different! For the December No St akes Tournament\, we'll be using a modified standard format\, where everyo ne is given a different set of cards they must build their deck around.
\nHere's how it works:\nTo get started deckbuilding\, you have to mess age me (@Tak) on the SanSan Nort h discord. I'll provide you with 3 random rolls on each side\, which will consist of an ID plus three cards. You'll pick one roll from each si de to start your deck. If you don't like your options\, you can request o ne mulligan\, but must use the new roll\, even if you think it's worse tha n the original 3.
\nDeck building rules are as follows:
\nTournament format: we will play 4 to 5 rounds of Single Sided Swiss. Everyone will walk away with a prize \, regardless of placement!
\nRecommended Entry Fee: $5*\nTo help co ver prize support at this event and the weekly meetups\, I kindly request a $5 entry fee.\n*Although appreciated\, the entry fee is optional. No pro blem if you can't afford it\; I'd rather you come and not pay than not joi n us at all.
\nThis event coincides with our regular Thursday night meetup\, so all are welcome\, even if yo u don't want to play in the swiss rounds.
\nIf you have any question s or want to hang out with us online\, join us on discord!
\nThis event is hosted at Kennedy's I rish Pub and Curry House. They have good food and drinks so feel free to get dinner there\, but no pressure to spend any money. We won't take a di nner break this time\, but can start a little later so people can eat befo re the tournament.
\nFor more info on Netrunner around the Bay\, inc luding Learn to Play events\, casual GNKs\, and tournaments\, check out