BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:4577alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=Europe/London:20241208T110000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=Europe/London:20241208T235900 URL: art-edition LOCATION:18b Hall St\, Birmingham B18 6BS\, UK SUMMARY:Birmingham Startup CO- Alt Art edition CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:Christmas\, Christmas time is near~~~\nTime for cards and time for cheers~~~\nAt the time of writing\, it is snowing and pitch black out my dorm as my university is slowly replacing the pathway lights. What bett er time than now to gather people for joyeous activity(Netrunner) in these solitude times.\nHave you missed out in regionals\, nationals or worlds a nd thought - if only I can also get my hands on those alt arts?\nHave you recently gotten into Netrunner and would like to meet some strange and won derful people that are - other netrunner players ?\nHave you seen the anno ucement on the new Start-Up banlist and thought - hmmm maybe I test my dec kbuilding skills ?\nDo you just want to play some netrunner?[1]\n[1]: I ca n lend decks out\, just tell me before the day!\nLook no further than this special start-up CO!\nVenue: Geek Retreat Birmingham\, 18b Hall St\, Birm ingham B18 6BS\nDate: 08/12/2024\nRegistration from: 10:30\nTournament beg ins: 11:00\, with a lunch break after round 1.\nEntry fee: FREE![1] or Pla yset of Standard Legal Alt Arts Cards OR a Standard Legal Alt Art ID [2][3 ][4]\nFormat: Single-Sided Swiss in Startup(with latest banlist).\n[1]: I am more than happy to wave entry fee to encourage more participation inlin e with the Christmas spirit\n[2]: These will be used as additional prizes on the day\n[3]: TheRealLap inc. reserve the right to reject this alternat ive form of payment on the day(Do not hand in Seamless Launch from the pro blematic printing!)\n[4]: Voluntary donation of £2 would be welcome!\nTou rnament Structure\nThis is a standard format event likely consisting of 6\ , 40 minute rounds of single-sided swiss. (If we get more players than exp ected\, there may be a cut\; if we get fewer\, there may only be 5 rounds. This will be confirmed at the start of the day.)\nThe full planned schedu le is as follows\, which contains buffer time:\n10:30-11:00: Registration and briefing\n11:00-11:50: Round 1\n11:50-12:40: Round 2\n12:40-13:30: Rou nd 3\n13:30-14:30: Lunch\n14:30-15:20: Round 4\n15:20-16:10: Round 5\n16:1 0-17:00: Round 6\n17:00 onwards: Prizes\, cut if necessary.\nIf cut\, it w ould be top-4 single elimination timed at 40 minutes finishing before 18:3 0 ideally.\nLocation\nThe event is held in Geek Retreat Birmingham. There are a few ways to get here:\nThere are a few ways to get here:\nFrom new s treet\, Tram to St. Paul's for 10 mins then walk for 5 mins.\nAlternativel y\, you can walk for 20 mins from New Street.\nJewellery Quarter\, Snow Hi ll are all also alternative points of arrival to walk to Geek Retreat\nPri zes\nTop 9: Tatu-Bola by Cat Shen\nTop 4: Prepaid Voicemail by Elizaveta S okolova\nTop 3: Cat's Cradle Playmat + Playset of Leech by Alexis Spicer\n Top 2: Playset of Oppo Research by Martin de Diego Sádaba\nTop 1: Welcome to Hell Playmat by Brindelmold\nAdditionally top 10(+n) players would be get to take home playset of cards/an ID from the present pool\, with highe r rank gets to choose first. Any cards given as entry fee would be added t o this present pool.\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:
Christmas\, Christmas time is near~~~ em>\nTime for cards and time for cheers~~~
\nAt the tim e of writing\, it is snowing and pitch black out my dorm as my university is slowly replacing the pathway lights. What better time than now to gathe r people for joyeous activity(Netrunner) in these solitude times.
\nHave you missed out in regionals\, nationals or worlds and th ought - if only I can also get my hands on those alt arts?\nHave you recently gotten into Netrunner and would like to meet some strange and wonderful people that are - other netrunner players< /em> ?\nHave you seen the annoucement on the new Start-Up banlist and thought - hmmm maybe I test my deckbuilding skills ? \nDo you just want to play some netrunner?[1]\n[ 1]: I can lend decks out\, just tell me before the day!
\nLook no fu rther than this special start-up CO!
\nVenue: Date: 08/12/2024\nRegistration from: 10:30
\nTournament begins: 11:00\, with a lunch break after rou
nd 1.\nEntry fee: FREE![1] or Playset of Standard Legal A
lt Arts Cards OR a Standard Legal Alt Art ID [2][3][4]\nFormat: Single-Sided Swiss in Startup(with latest banlist).\n[1]: I am
more than happy to wave entry fee to encourage more participation inline w
ith the Christmas spirit\n[2]: These will be used as additional p
rizes on the day\n[3]: TheRealLap inc. reserve the right to rejec
t this alternative form of payment on the day(Do not hand in Seamless Laun
ch from the problematic printing!)\n[4]: Voluntary donation of £
2 would be welcome!
This is a standard format event likely consisting of 6\, 40 minute rounds of single- sided swiss. (If we get more players than expected\, there may be a cut\; if we get fewer\, there may only be 5 rounds. This will be confirmed at th e start of the day.)
\nThe full planned schedule is as follows\, whi ch contains buffer time:\n10:30-11:00: Registration and b riefing\n11:00-11:50: Round 1\n11:50-12:40: Round 2\n12:40-13:30: Round 3\n13:30-14:30: Lunch \n14:30-15:20: Round 4\n15:20-16:10 : Round 5\n16:10-17:00: Round 6\n17:00 onwards: Prizes\, cut if necessary.\nIf cut\, it would be top-4 single elim ination timed at 40 minutes finishing before 18:30 ideall y.
\nThe event is held in Geek Retreat Birmingham. There are a fe w ways to get here:\nThere are a few ways to get here:\nFrom new street\, Tram to St. Paul's for 10 mins then walk for 5 mins.\nAlternatively\, you can walk for 20 mins from New Street.\nJewellery Quarter\, Snow Hill are a ll also alternative points of arrival to walk to Geek Retreat
\nTop 9: Tatu-Bola by Cat Shen\nTop 4: Prepaid Voicemail by Eli zaveta Sokolova\nTop 3: Cat's Cradle Playmat + Playset of Leech by Alexis Spicer\nTop 2: Playset of Oppo Research by Martin de Diego Sádaba\nTop 1: Welcome to Hell Playmat by Brindelmold
\nAdditionally top 10(+n) pl ayers would be get to take home playset of cards/an ID from the present po ol\, with higher rank gets to choose first. Any cards given as entry fee w ould be added to this present pool.