BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:4573alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20241214 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20241215 URL: SUMMARY:Off Meta Month: Eternal CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:\n➡️Tournament starts at 09:00 AM CST\, your time zone here .\nEternal is a high-powered format where all the sets from Netrunner's hi story are legal. If you’ve wondered how it feels to have a 15 credit swi ng click or tax the runner to hell but still love the new cards\, Eternal is the format for you!\nIf you want to learn more about how to play and th e common eternal decks check out my guide here!\n➡️Registration is fre e. To be included for prizing\, please Venmo $10 to @Benjamin-Boschert wit h your discord username and mailing address. (Set transaction to private t o hide mailing address or DM me.)\nAll funds will be dumped into further p rizing and I will update as people enter!\nWe will play six rounds of SSS\ , followed by a top cut to 4 (depending on attendance.)\nThe event will be run on the Netrunner Event Hub Discord with games played on\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:
➡️Tournament st arts at 09:00 AM CST\, yo ur time zone here.
\nEternal is a high-powered format where all the sets from Netrunner's history are legal. If you’ve wondered how it f eels to have a 15 credit swing click or tax the runner to hell but still l ove the new cards\, Eternal is the format for you!
\nIf you want to learn more about how to play and the common eternal decks check out my gui de here!
\n➡️Registration is free. To be included for prizing\, please Venmo $10 to @Benjamin-Bosch ert with your discord username and mailing address. (Set transaction to pr ivate to hide mailing address or DM me.)
\nAll funds will be dumped into further prizing and I will update as people enter!
\nWe will pl ay six rounds of SSS\, followed by a top cut to 4 (depending on attendance .)
\nThe event will be run on the Netrunner Event Hub Discord with games played on Jinte