BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:4572alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20241208 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20241209 URL: SUMMARY:Off Meta Month: PURGE CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:\nTL\;DR: Banned cards from FFG sets and System Update 2021 (ex cept for currents) are legal for this format. Full list of banlist changes from Standard can be found below.\nDo you sometimes wonder why cards are on the ban list? Did you miss the chance to play around with the strong ca rds and think “Surely\, they can’t be that bad!” … Come along to w hat will inevitably prove to be the most broken of formats ever while we b id a final farewell to the broken cards that were ripped from our grasp\, perhaps too soon.\nUnbanned Runner Cards\nBloo Moose\nClan Vengeance\nCrow dfunding\nKabonesa Wu: Netspace Thrillseeker\nKnobkierie\nLiza Talking Thu nder: Prominent Legislator\nMars for Martians\nPAD Tap\nSalvaged Vanadis A rmory\nWatch the World Burn\nUnbanned Corp Cards\nArchived Memories\nBreac hed Dome\nFormicary\nGame Changer\nHigh-profile Target\nHired Help\nKakugo \nMass Commercialization\nMti Mwekundu: Life Improved\nObokata Protocol\nR econstruction Contract\nShipment from Tennin\nSlot Machine\nSSL Endorsemen t\nTithonium\nWhampoa Reclamation\nBanned Runner Cards\nAll cards with the “current” subtype\nBukhgalter\nDreamNet\nEndurance\nRezeki\nWorld Tre e\nBanned Corp Cards\nAll cards with the “current” subtype\nBellona\nC ayambe Grid\nCyberdex Sandbox\nDr. Vientiane Keeling\nDrago Ivanov\nEngram Flush\nGold Farmer\nNanisivik Grid\nProject Vacheron\nTributary\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:
\nTL\;DR: Banned cards from FFG sets and Syst
em Update 2021 (except for currents) are legal for this format. Full list
of banlist changes from Standard can be found below.
Do you someti mes wonder why cards are on the ban list? Did you miss the chance to play around with the strong cards and think “Surely\, they can’t be that ba d!” … Come along to what will inevitably prove to be the most broken o f formats ever while we bid a final farewell to the broken cards that were ripped from our grasp\, perhaps too soon.
\nBloo Moose\nClan Vengeance\nCrowdfunding\nKabonesa Wu: Netspace T hrillseeker\nKnobkierie\nLiza Talking Thunder: Prominent Legislator\nMars for Martians\nPAD Tap\nSalvaged Vanadis Armory\nWatch the World Burn
\nArchived Memories\nBreached Dome\nFormica ry\nGame Changer\nHigh-profile Target\nHired Help\nKakugo\nMass Commercial ization\nMti Mwekundu: Life Improved\nObokata Protocol\nReconstruction Con tract\nShipment from Tennin\nSlot Machine\nSSL Endorsement\nTithonium\nWha mpoa Reclamation
\nAll cards with the “current” subtype\nBukhgalter\nDreamNet\nEndurance\nRezeki\nWorld Tree
\nAll cards with the “current” subt ype\nBellona\nCayambe Grid\nCyberdex Sandbox\nDr. Vientiane Keeling\nDrago Ivanov\nEngram Flush\nGold Farmer\nNanisivik Grid\nProject Vacheron\nTrib utary