BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:4569alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=Europe/Warsaw:20241207T110000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=Europe/Warsaw:20241207T235900 URL: LOCATION:pl. Tadeusza Kościuszki 4a\, 50-029 Wrocław\, Poland SUMMARY:Liberated Backlog Vol. 2 CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:Reanimating the Wrocław's Netrunner scene we start with a firs t in years tournament\, organized with help from our friends based in Pozn ań.\n6-7 single-sided Swiss rounds dependent on number and preference of participants\nOptional top cut (top3/top4).\nRound limit: 40 min\nEntry Fe e: 50 PLN\, 25 of which will go towards the store credit that will become part of the prizes.\nPay in person (cash/Blik).\nThere will be additional promos\, every participant gets a prize.\nDecklists: Please have your deck lists available for the judges to view (no need to print them\, mobile not es and emailing files will be fine).\nProxies: Proxies are allowed\; pleas e make them understandable for your opponent\, even if they don’t rememb er the card (full text with card abilities and stats such as strength\, re z and trash costs are necessary).\nThe event is Sanctioned\, according to NSG policies (this means we have strict rules of distributing the prizes b ut the organisers can take part in the game). Additional judges might be a ppointed at the event.\nQuestions: please contact me via e-mail or Discord (disguised_minstrel)\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:

Reanimating the Wrocław's Netrunner scene we start with a first in years tournament\, organized with help from our f riends based in Poznań.


6-7 single-sided Swiss rounds dependent o n number and preference of participants\nOptional top cut (top3/top4).


Round limit: 40 min


Entry Fee: 50 PLN\, 25 of which will go t owards the store credit that will become part of the prizes.\nPay in perso n (cash/Blik).


There will be additional promos\, every participant gets a prize.


Decklists: Please have your decklists available for the judges to view (no need to print them\, mobile notes and emailing fil es will be fine).


Proxies: Proxies are allowed\; please make them understandable for your opponent\, even if they don’t remember the card (full text with card abilities and stats such as strength\, rez and trash costs are necessary).


The event is Sanctioned\, according to NSG p olicies (this means we have strict rules of distributing the prizes but th e organisers can take part in the game). Additional judges might be appoin ted at the event.


Questions: please contact me via e-mail or Disco rd (disguised_minstrel)