BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:4567alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20241130 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20241202 URL: SUMMARY:Off Meta Month: Eclipse CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:\nWelcome to Off Meta Month!\nWe're doing a tournament using th e Eclipse Format. This combination of sets has never been legal in the sam e cardpool outside of Eternal\, and creates a unique deckbuilding challeng e with a wide range of powerful decks on both sides. Let your creativity r un free!\nWe will play a set amount of SSS rounds followed by a double eli mination top cut.\nThe number of rounds and size of the top cut depend on the number of players we get.\n\nDeckbuilding\nLegal Sets Include:\n\nCore Set\nGenesis\nCreation and Control\nSpin\nHonor and Profit\nLunar\nOrder and Chaos\nSanSan\nData and Destiny\nMumbad\nKitara\nBorealis\nLiberation\ n\n\nBan List\nCorp\nRunner\nAll Currents are banned\nMaxX: Maximum Punk R ock is banned.\n\nRestricted List\nYou may have no more than 1 full playse t of a card from the restricted list for each side.\nEx. You may choose 3 copies of Account Siphon and 1 copy of Titan Transnational as your restric ted cards\, and not have any other cards from the restricted list in eithe r of your decks.\nCorp\nRunner\nRestricted IDs:\nKabonesa Wu: Netspace Thr illseeker\nOb Superheavy Logistics: Extract. Export. Excel.\nTitan Transna tional: Investing In Your Future\nCerebral Imaging: Infinite Frontiers\nMt i Mwekundu: Life Improved\n\nDeckbuilding Help\nYou can select which sets are displayed on NetrunnerDB under the 'Collection' tab in the deckbuilder . Make sure to select 'casual' to see cards that are on the current Standa rd Banlist.\nCardpool Visualiser\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:



Welcome to Off Meta Month!\n

We're doing a tournament using the Eclipse Format. This combination of sets has never been legal in t he same cardpool outside of Eternal\, and creates a unique deckbuilding ch allenge with a wide range of powerful decks on both sides. Let your creati vity run free!


We will play a set amount of SSS rounds followed by a double elimination top cut.
\nThe number of rounds and size of the top cut depend on the number of players we get.


Deckbuil ding


Legal Sets Include:


Ban List




All Currents are banned\nMaxX: Maximum Punk Rock is b anned.


Restricted List


You may have no more than 1 full playset of a card from the restricted list for each side.\nEx. You may choose 3 copies of Account Siphon and 1 copy of Titan Transnational a s your restricted cards\, and not have any other cards from the restricted list in either of your decks.




Restricted IDs:


Kabonesa Wu: Netspace Thrillseeker
\n< a href=\"\">Ob Superheavy Logistics: Extract. Export. Excel.
\nTitan Transnational: Investing In Your Future
\nCerebral Imaging: Infinite Fro ntiers
\nMti Mw ekundu: Life Improved


Deckbuilding Help


You can select which sets are displayed on NetrunnerDB under the 'Collection' tab in the deckbuilder. Make sure to select 'casual' to see cards that are on the current Standard Banlist.
