BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:4563alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20241215 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20241216 URL: SUMMARY:Off Meta Month: R.A.M. CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:\nLive-streamed draw of the legal card pool: 9am UTC -8\nTourna ment start: 2 hours later at 11am UTC -8\nThe tournament will happen on th e Null Signal Games Discord server. Please join there for further announce ments on the day and be there 5 minutes before the live draw for further i nformation.\nThe Format\nAt the beginning of the event 2 large releases an d 12 data packs will be randomly determined to form the card pool for the tournament. Players will have 2 hours to build their deck from these rando m sets\nFor further information on this process\, read the format announce ment article.\nThe Tournament\nThe return of the Random Access Memories fo rmat. It is free for anyone to enter (as there are no prizes apart from br agging rights).\nThe tournament starts at 9am UTC-8 with a live-streamed d raw on a TBD Twitch channel of the legal card pool.\nAfter the stream a 2- hour time period for deckbuilding starts when the full pool is posted in t he discord.\nThe tournament will consist of 6-8 rounds of single sided swi ss followed by a single elimination top 3 cut\nTo join the tournament\, lo g into the Null Signal Games Discord server for further announcements on t he day and be there 5 minutes before the live draw for further information .\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:



Live-streamed draw of the legal card pool: 9am UTC -8\nTournament start: 2 hours later at 11am UTC -8


The tourna ment will happen on the Null Signal Games Discord server. Please join ther e for further announcements on the day and be there 5 minutes before the l ive draw for further information.


The Format\nAt the beginning of the event 2 large releases and 12 data packs will be randomly determined t o form the card pool for the tournament. Players will have 2 hours to buil d their deck from these random sets


For further information on thi s process\, read the format announcement article.

\n< p>The Tournament\nThe return of the Random Access Memories format. It is f ree for anyone to enter (as there are no prizes apart from bragging rights ).


The tournament starts at 9am UTC-8 with a live-streamed draw on a TBD Twitch channel of the legal card pool.


After the stream a 2 -hour time period for deckbuilding starts when the full pool is posted in the discord.


The tournament will consist of 6-8 rounds of single s ided swiss followed by a single elimination top 3 cut


To join the tournament\, log into the Null Signal Games Discord server for further ann ouncements on the day and be there 5 minutes before the live draw for furt her information.