BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:4562alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20241221 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20241222 URL: SUMMARY:Off Meta Month: Restart CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:\nStart times are in GMT\nInspired by\, restart will ta ke you back to a previous Startup Format\, real or imagined! The format co nsists of System Gateway\, System Update 2021\, and your choice of any sin gle NSG Cycle and NSG Set.\nFor simplicity\, we'll be using the current St andard Banlist\, which will pre-axe a lot of the problematic startup cards for us (Endurance\, Drago\, Keeling\, Tributary\, etc).\nYour Corp deck a nd Runner deck do not need to use the same cardpool.\nWhen you deckbuild o n NRDB\, choose your Identity\, set the banlist to the current active stan dard banlist (beneath the deck name)\, and in the Collection tab choose th e sets you are going to build with. If you change sets\, or wish to quickl y verify your deck is legal\, after building your deck you can go to the S etting tab in deck building and choose “Sort by Set” to quickly verify you are under the 5 set restriction.\nThe event will be run on the Netrun ner Event Hub Discord with games played on JNET.\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:
Start times are in GMT
\nInspired by\, restart will take you back to a previous S tartup Format\, real or imagined! The format consists of System Gateway\, System Update 2021\, and your choice of any single NSG Cycle and NSG Set.< /p>\n
For simplicity\, we'll be using the current Standard Banlist\, whi ch will pre-axe a lot of the problematic startup cards for us (Endurance\, Drago\, Keeling\, Tributary\, etc).
\nYour Corp deck and Ru nner deck do not need to use the same cardpool.
\nWhen you deckbuild on NRDB\, choose your Identity\, set the banlist to the current active standard banlist (beneath the deck name)\, and in the Collection ta b choose the sets you are going to build with. If you change sets\, or wis h to quickly verify your deck is legal\, after building your deck you can go to the Setting tab in deck building and choose “Sort by Set” to qui ckly verify you are under the 5 set restriction.
\nThe event will be run on the Netrunner Ev ent Hub Discord with games played on JNET.