BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:4557alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=America/Los_Angeles:20241203T173000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=America/Los_Angeles:20241203T235900 URL: ht-edition LOCATION:1158 Broadway\, Seattle\, WA 98122\, USA SUMMARY:Seattle STARTUP CO Weeknight Edition CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:Weeknight STARTUP (yes startup) CO! This is a chance for newer/ returning players to dabble in a less intimidating format. Friendly remin der that Startup has a newer banlist/ deck restrictions. https://nullsigna\n"\;Summary of Startup Bal ance Update 24.09 Changes\nTributary banned\nPharos banned\nCreative Commi ssion banned\nCorp decks now have the following deckbuilding restriction: A Startup Corp deck can only contain a maximum of 3 agenda cards with a pr inted agenda point value of 3 or greater."\;\nEntry - $10 suggested do nation to cover CO kit and tournament prize pool\, but if money is an issu e no one will be turned away.\n5 rounds of single sided swiss\, no top cut .\nFirst round begins at 5:30pm\, but as our last event\, you can join the event at any point\, you just may be a round down on games.\nLast chance at this kit and CBI invites for this year!\nWe look forward to seeing you then!\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:
Weeknight STARTUP (yes startup) CO! This is a chance for newer/returning players to dabble in a less intimidating for mat. Friendly reminder that Startup has a newer banlist/ deck restriction s.
\n&q uot\;Summary of Startup Balance Update 24.09 Changes
\nTributary ban ned
\nPharos banned
\nCreative Commission banned
\nCorp decks now have the following deckbuilding restriction: A Startup Corp deck can only contain a maximum of 3 agenda cards with a printed agenda point value of 3 or greater."\;
\nEntry - $10 suggested donation to co ver CO kit and tournament prize pool\, but if money is an issue no one wil l be turned away.
\n5 rounds of single sided swiss\, no top cut.
\nFirst round begins at 5:30pm\, but as our last event\, you can join t he event at any point\, you just may be a round down on games.
\nLas t chance at this kit and CBI invites for this year!
\nWe look forwar d to seeing you then!