BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:4556alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=Europe/London:20241207T110000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=Europe/London:20241207T235900 URL: ec LOCATION:35-39 London St\, Reading RG1 4PS\, UK SUMMARY:Reading Monthly GNK (2024-DEC) CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:Come one come all to the third monthly Reading GNK on the First Saturday (7th) of December!\nThe Reading Meta is heading into a resurgenc e at the moment\, and we hope this event can be a great opportunity for he ads new and old to bash together in an exciting and regular event.\nWe're hoping to see good turnout both from Reading and the surrounding communiti es\, with previous events pulling ~10 players\, and things set to grow mon th to month as people realize the Reading meta is alive and thriving!\nLoc ation: RISC Conference Hall (go down the alleyway next to RISC)\nFormat: S tandard\nStructure: 7 rounds of Single Sided Swiss\nStart Time: 11am\nTick et Price: Free\nWhile the event is free\, voluntary contributions to help us cover the cost of prizing and the venue would be greatly appreciated if and only if you are financially secure and can afford it. If you'd like t o donate to help support the local scene\, you may do so here.\nPlayers of all experience level are welcome! If you're a completely new player\, com e along to a Reading Indie Gamers weekly meetup at the Biscuit Factory fro m 6pm on a Tuesday\, and we can teach you the game and help you get set up with competitive decks!\nSchedule\n11:00 Round 1\n11:45 Round 2\n12 :30 Round 3\n13:15 Lunch\n14:00 Round 4\n14:45 Round 5\n15:30 Round 6\n16:15 Round 7\n16:55 Prizes\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:
Come one come all to the third monthly Read ing GNK on the First Saturday (7th) of December!
\nThe Reading Meta is heading into a resurgence at the moment\, and we hope this event can be a great opportunity for heads new and old to bash togeth er in an exciting and regular event.
\nWe're hoping to see good turn out both from Reading and the surrounding communities\, with previous even ts pulling ~10 players\, and things set to grow month to month as people r ealize the Reading meta is alive and thriving!
\nLo cation: RISC Conference Hall (go down the alleyway next to RISC)\ nFormat: Standard\nStructure: 7 rounds o f Single Sided Swiss\nStart Time: 11am\nTicket Pr ice: Free
\nWhile the event is free\, voluntary contributio ns to help us cover the cost of prizing and the venue would be greatly app reciated if and only if you are financially secure and can afford it. If y ou'd like to donate to help support the local scene\, you may do so here.
\nPlaye rs of all experience level are welcome! If you're a completely new player\ , come along to a Reading Indie Gam ers weekly meetup at the Biscuit Factory from 6pm on a Tuesday\, and w e can teach you the game and help you get set up with competitive decks! p>\n
Schedule\n11:00 Round 1\n11:45 Round 2\n12:3 0 Round 3\n13:15 Lunch\n14:00 Round 4\n14:45 Round 5\n15:30 Round 6\n16:15 Round 7\n16:55 Prizes