BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:4555alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20241208T110000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20241208T235900 URL: LOCATION:1710 Hill Rd N\, Pickerington\, OH 43147\, USA SUMMARY:OH-CO 2: 2024 H2 CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:Join us at FIVE6 Gaming in Pickerington on Sunday\, December 8 for the third OH-CO!!!\n\n1. SUCCINCTLY\n\nBoosted CO Kit\, H2 2024\nStand ard Single-Sided Swiss Six (6) Srounds\n11 AM start time\n40 minutes per r ound\n\n\n2. SCHEDULE\nPlayer Meeting .......... 10:45 AM \nRound 1 ...... .............. 11 AM\nBreak ....................... 2 PM\nRound 4 ........ ... 3 (or 2:30) PM\n\n\n3. STRUCTURE\nThis event will be Standard format\, single-sided swiss\, with 40 minutes per round.\nThere will be 6 rounds\, with a break before Round 4.\nThis will be a Casual-Tier Sanctioned Event according to NSG’s Organized Play Policies. Players are expected to abi de by the Community Code of Conduct. I expect y'all will be on your best b ehavior\, and will leave the store as clean as when y'all arrive 💚\nMor e prizing options are always being considered\, for this and future events . Please reach out if you have any questions!!!\n\n4. SUPPORT\nMasks will be required within the building\, especially during play!\nWe require all participants to wear a mask when at a play table. Please practice responsi ble masking otherwise\, and step outside if you need to take it off for a bit. The main entrance is very close to the play area\, so you won't miss anything :) - free masks (and foam earbuds) will be provided!\nSnacks and drinks will be available for purchase at the store!\nThere are also variou s restaurants within walking and driving distance. Please plan ahead and g ive a local business your support! Kindly consider those around you when e ating and drinking in the building\, but stay hydrated!\nThe above schedul e is flexible!\nAny opportunity to save players' time will be considered\, but not until all players are comfortable doing so.\nTiming sheets are yo ur friend!\nThere will be plenty of printed copies at the venue to help yo u out!\n\n5. SUGGESTIONS\nPlan ahead!\nThere will be printer available at the venue\, and we’ll have templates for handwritten proxies\, just in c ase. Make sure your proxies aren't noticeable when shuffled into your deck . Please also bring extra sleeves in case any of yours become damaged or o therwise marked throughout the day.\nHave fun with it!\nGetting first plac e is only impressive because of all of the others who didn't - win or lose \, please remember that no one is bad at Netrunner\, so be excellent to ea ch other as always!\nDrop if you gotta!\nIf the lists you registered ended up being duds\, don't play them more than you have to - plenty of attende es would LOVE to play casual games after a couple games of swiss\, especia lly the late arrivals!\n\n6. SEEKABLES\nH2 2024 CO Kit Boosted:\n\nTop ?: Invitation to the 2025 Circuit Breaker Invitational Championship (1 per 8 players\, 2 for 20).\nTop 4: “See How They Run” Playmat (illus. Benjam in Giletti)\nTop 9: 3 x Tranquility Home Grid (illus. Vitalii Ostaschenko) \nTop 17: 3 x Tree Line (illus. Emilio Rodríguez)\n\n\n7. SUPPLEMENTS\nCi nDay City Grid Discord\nFIVE6 Gaming\ngoogle maps (which I would like a go od alternative for\, and I don't think grubhub works)\nOrganized Play Poli cies\n\n8. SO IMPORTANT\n\nBreakfast!\nWater!\nSnacks!\nTwo decks in opaqu e sleeves!\nTokens and counters!\nExtra sleeves!\nPlaymat!\n\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:

Join us at FIVE6 Gaming in Pickerington on Sunday\, December 8 for the third OH-CO!!!





Player Meetin
 g .......... 10:45 AM \nRound 1 .................... 11 AM\nBreak ........
 ............... 2 PM\nRound 4 ........... 3 (or 2:30) PM\n
\n< hr />\n



This event will be Standard format\, sing le-sided swiss\, with 40 minutes per round.


There will be 6 rounds \, with a break before Round 4.


This will be a Casual-Tier Sanctio ned Event according to NSG’s Organized Play Policies. Players are exp ected to abide by the Community Code of Conduct. I expect y'all will be on your best behavior\, and will leave the store as clean as when y'all arri ve 💚


More prizing options are always being considered\, for thi s and future events. Please reach out if you have any questions!!!




Masks will be required within the building\ , especially during play!


We require all participants to wear a mask when at a play table. Please practice responsible mas king otherwise\, and step outside if you need to take it off for a bit. Th e main entrance is very close to the play area\, so you won't miss anythin g :) - free masks (and foam earbuds) will be provided!

\n< h2>Snacks and drinks will be available for purchase at the store!\n

There are also various restaurants within walking and driving distance. P lease plan ahead and give a local business your support! Kindly consider t hose around you when eating and drinking in the building\, but stay hydrat ed!


The above schedule is flexible!


Any opportunity to s ave players' time will be considered\, but not until all players are comfo rtable doing so.


Timing sheets are your friend!


There wi ll be plenty of printed copies at the venue to help you out!




Plan ahead!


There will be printer av ailable at the venue\, and we’ll have templates for handwritten proxies\ , just in case. Make sure your proxies aren't noticeable when shuffled int o your deck. Please also bring extra sleeves in case any of yours beco me damaged or otherwise marked throughout the day.


Have fun with it!


Getting first place is only impressive because of all of the others who didn't - win or lose\, please remember that no one is bad at Netrunner\, so be excellent to each other as always!


Drop if y ou gotta!


If the lists you registered ended up being duds\, don't play them more than you have to - plenty of attendees would LOVE to play casual games after a couple games of swiss\, especially the late arrivals!




H2 2024 CO Kit Boosted:< /h3>\n

Top ?: Invitation to the 2025 Circ uit Breaker Invitational Championship (1 per 8 players\, 2 for 20).

\n< p>Top 4: “See How They Run” Playmat< /strong> (illus. Benjamin Giletti)


Top 9: 3 x Tranquility Home Grid (illus. Vitalii Ostaschenko)< /p>\n

Top 17: 3 x Tree Line ( illus. Emilio Rodríguez)



CinDay City Grid Discord


FIVE6 Gaming


google maps (which I would like a good alternative for\, and I don't think grubhub wo rks)


Organized Play Policies
