BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:4553alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=Australia/Sydney:20241124T153000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=Australia/Sydney:20241124T235900 URL: LOCATION:Shop 3/66 Primmer Ct\, Kambah ACT 2902\, Australia SUMMARY:LFG Startup Tournament CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:Come one\, come all to the first Netrunner tournament at LFG in Kambah.\nThere is no entry fee\, and Startup is very new player friendly\ , so come and give it a try!\nCasual Netrunner tournament for new\, experi enced\, and returning players in the Startup format. The Startup format ha s a limited cardpool\, and is a great stepping stone for newer players loo king to make first steps into organised play.\nThe Startup cardpool will b e in place\, including the current Startup Banlist (see https://nullsignal .games/players/supported-formats/ under Startup for the most up-to-date li st). There is no need for decklists.\nWe'll play a 3 round tournament\, an d in each round you play a game as Corp and a game as Runner. The round ti me limit is 65 minutes\, with an extra turn each if games go to time.\nWe will be playing after Second Hand Sunday ends at the shop at 3pm. Probably finishing up around 7:30.\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:
Come one\, come all to the first Netrunner tournament at LFG in Kambah.
\nThere is no entry fee\, and Startup i s very new player friendly\, so come and give it a try!
\nCasual Net runner tournament for new\, experienced\, and returning players in the Sta rtup format. The Startup format has a limited cardpool\, and is a great st epping stone for newer players looking to make first steps into organised play.
\nThe Startup cardpool will be in place\, including the curren t Startup Banlist (see under Startup for the most up-to-date list). There is no need for decklis ts.
\nWe'll play a 3 round tournament\, and in each round you play a game as Corp and a game as Runner. The round time limit is 65 minutes\, w ith an extra turn each if games go to time.
\nWe will be playing aft er Second Hand Sunday ends at the shop at 3pm. Probably finishing up aroun d 7:30.