BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:4551alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=America/Los_Angeles:20241208T123000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=America/Los_Angeles:20241208T235900 URL: wback-event LOCATION:2020 Hacienda Dr Ste A\, Vista\, CA 92081\, USA SUMMARY:SanSan South December Throwback Event CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:our discord\nCome on down to Sunny San Diego and play some Thro wback! :D\nWhat is throwback?\nThrowback is a format which consists of the standard card pool\, except you may include one playset of a rotated card in both your runner and your corporation decks. This could be your Identi ty (ie The Foundry)\, up to a playset of cards (Between 1-3 copies of Para site)\, or it could be your rebirth or DJ Fenris target (ie rebirth or DJ Fenris into Noise).\nYou get one playset of rotated cards to choose for yo ur corporation\, and one playset of rotated cards to choose for your runne r\, for two playsets total.\nThe other main restriction is that the card c an not have been banned at the moment it was rotated. Please check with me in discord if you have questions about whether a card is legal for this e vent.\nFAQ\nIf I take Adam\, do I get my directives?\nYes.\n$5 entry fee t o the store.\nI've got plenty of proxies to serve as additional prize supp ort :D\nThis will be a single-sided swiss event of 6 rounds of 40 minutes each\, with a potential runoff if deemed appropriate the day of.\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:

o ur discord


Come on down to Sunny San Diego and play some Throw back! :D


What is throwback?


Throwback is a format which consists of the standard card pool\, except you may include one playset of a rotated card in both your runner and your corporation decks. This could be your Identity (ie The Foundry)\, up to a playset of cards (Between 1-3 copies of Parasite)\, or it could be your rebirth or DJ Fenris target (ie rebirth or DJ Fenris into Noise).


You get one playset of rotated cards to choose for your corporation\, and one playset of rotated cards to choose for your runner\, for two playsets total.


The other main r estriction is that the card can not have been banned at the moment it was rotated. Please check with me in discord if you have questions about wheth er a card is legal for this event.




If I take Adam\, do I get my directives?\nYes.


$5 entry fee to the store.


I 've got plenty of proxies to serve as additional prize support :D


This will be a single-sided swiss event of 6 rounds of 40 minutes each\, w ith a potential runoff if deemed appropriate the day of.