BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:4547alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20241222 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20241223 URL: new-angeles SUMMARY:Santa Claus it's coming to New Angeles CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:Attention: We will be play with the New Banlist\nWinter is comi ng and this means that also christmas is coming.\nEven if I'm italian I d on't have a deep bond with this festivity\, so to make things more funny a lso for me I want to celebrate this christmas in the net space!\n\nWelcome to:\nSanta Claus it's coming to New Angeles\nA standard netrunner tournam ent with non-standard awards and prizes!\nWhere: online on Jinteki with a meet-up on Discord in the Netrunner Event Hub channel\nWhen: Meet up is t he 22th of December at 10.00 UTC\nHow: Get a ticket\, register yourself an d get your fill of Christmas spirit waiting for the start of the tournamen t!\nThis year Santa's come earlier and bring some stuff from worlds 2024 and other events to put on prizes\, so this will be a rich prize pool:\nPa rticipation prizes: GrIMP by Flora Facchi\nTop8: The Holo Man by Kysra\nTo p4: one of the meanlady's enamel pin\n#1: Set of Meatspace corp IDs from t he Borealis cycle from worlds 2024 + Holo Cloud Eater by Kysra\nAnd now th e reason why you all are here: the christmas awards!\nIt's Present Time! - During each turn of swiss a prizes will be extracted and gifted to one lu cky player. The raffle prizes include: 3x Physarium Entagler from worlds 2 024\, 3x Stavka from world 2024\, 3x Bravado by Neon Static\, 3x Wage Wor kers conventions promo\, Frogshiko by Ams\, The Outfit Business Card by Wi ll Right.\nPorkobolo award - this year my husbando Porkobolo has dodged a lot of top cuts always placing immediately below the 1st\, 4th or 8th play er. So the player hitting the #9 after the swiss will win a playset of Bus iness as Usual from world 2024 (obviously if Porkobolo will place #9 the p rize will roll down XD ).\nSanta's Special - the best original deck choose n by a prestigious jury (for now composed by me\, Mirio and my two cats) w ill get a playset of Virtual Service Agent from world 2024.\nDarta-Chiappa award: in Italy it's a tradition that the player who suffered the worst f luke of the tournament has to get a consolation prize\, in this case a Mar k Dice by Atien. The award is named in honor of Darta\, an italian player (also\, a good player who had won an italian national) who is famous for h is lucky deeds during tournaments.\nIncrease uouarlok Hater - TaiB's playe r\, champion of Swizerland\, terror of the masses: wowarlok is all of this things and his power is is directly proportional to the hate shown to him . So for helping him increase his power I will reward anyone who can beat him with a Mercury ID by Atien. No one Stefano will be exploited during th is tournament\nChristmas Spirit award - the deck with the most Christmas s pirit of all will get a 3x of Bladderwort from Worlds 2024. You've to co nvince me that your deck is the most "\;holy jolly"\; one writing down in the dedicated thread on Discord all your arguments. Why a set of B ladderwort? Because in this art there is an hippocampus that with a big re d noise could easily be mistaken for one of Santa's reindeer (this is an example of the things that you can say to get point for this award)\nBaby it's cold outside - a set of Stavka will be awarded to the coldest of corp 's deck\, that is the one with the biggest number of ICE in it.\nSanta's l ittle helper - everyones loves pets. Or animals. Or anything kinda like t hem. So a set of Physarium Entagler from worlds 2024 will go the the deck with more little helper on it (animals with diffrent name\, more copies o f the same card doesn't count).\nYOLO award - Some matchups are so hard t o play that sometimes you can only shout "\;YOLO"\; and try to win faster than you can. The winner of the faster game during the tournament will get a set of Oppo Research from world 2024.\nBest Faction - The best placement for each faction will win a keychan by Trenzor\nOut of sight\, b ut not out of mind - for those who have played against the opponent who li ves more kilometers away from him will get a set of Hanna "\;Wheels&qu ot\; Pilintra from worlds 2024 (only who will insert his address in the fo rm can partecipate)\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:
Attention: We will be play with the New Ba nlist
\nWinter is coming and this means that also
\nEven if I'm italian I don't have
a deep bond with this festivity\, so to make things more funny also for me
I want to celebrate this christmas in the net space!
Welcome to:
\nA standard netrunner tournament with non-s tandard awards and prizes!
\nWhere: online on Jinteki with a meet-up on Discord
in the Netrunner Event Hub
\nWhen: Meet up is the 22th of December at 10.00 UTC
w: Get a ticket
\, regis
ter yourself and get your fill of Christmas spirit waiting for the sta
rt of the tournament!
This year Santa's come earlier and bring som
e stuff from worlds 2024 and other events to put on prizes\, so this will
be a rich prize pool:
\nParticipation prizes: GrIMP by Flora Facchi\nTop8: <
a href=\"\">The Holo Man by Kysra
\nTop4: one of the me
anlady's enamel pin
\n#1: Set of Meatspace corp IDs from the Borealis cycle from worlds 2024 + Holo
Cloud Eater by Kysra
And now the reason why you all are here: the christmas awards!
It's Present Time! - During each turn of swiss a prizes w
ill be extracted and gifted to one lucky player. The raffle prizes include
: 3x Physarium Enta
gler from worlds 2024\, 3x Stavka from world 2024\, 3x Bravado by Neon Static\, 3x Wage Workers conventions promo\, Frogshiko by Ams\, The Outfit Business Card by Will Right.
orkobolo award - this year my husbando Porkobolo has dodged a lot
of top cuts always placing immediately below the 1st\, 4th or 8th player.
So the player hitting the #9 after the swiss will win a playset of Business as Usual fro
m world 2024 (obviously if Porkobolo will place #9 the prize will roll dow
n XD ).
\nSanta's Special - the best original deck choosen by a prestigious jury (for now composed by me\, Mirio and my two cats) will get a p
layset of Virtual S
ervice Agent from world 2024.
\nDarta-Chiappa award: in Italy it's a tradition that the player who suffered the worst fluk
e of the tournament has to get a consolation prize\, in this case a Mark Dice by Atien. The award is named in honor of Darta\, an i
talian player (also\, a good player who had won an italian national) who i
s famous for his lucky deeds during tournaments.
\nIncrease u
ouarlok Hater - TaiB's player\, champion of Swizerland\, terror o
f the masses: wowarlok is all of this things and his power is is directly
proportional to the hate shown to him. So for helping him increase his pow
er I will reward anyone who can beat him with a Mercury ID by Atien. No one Stefano will be expl
oited during this tournament\nChristmas Spirit award
- the deck with the most Christmas spirit of all will get a 3x of Bladderwort from Wor
lds 2024. You've to convince me that your deck is the most "\;holy jol
ly"\; one writing down in the dedicated thread on Discord all your arg
uments. Why a set of Bladderwort? Because in this art there is an hippocam
pus that with a big red noise could easily be mistaken for one of Santa's
reindeer (this is an example of the things that you can say to get point
for this award)
\nBaby it's cold outside - a set of
Stavka will be
awarded to the coldest of corp's deck\, that is the one with the biggest n
umber of ICE in it.
\nSanta's little helper - every
ones loves pets. Or animals. Or anything kinda like them. So a set of Physarium Entagler
from worlds 2024 will go the the deck with more little helper on it (anim
als with diffrent name\, more copies of the same card doesn't count).\n
\nOut of sight\, but not out of mind
- for those who have played against the opponent who lives more kilometers
away from him will get a set of Hanna "\;Wheels"\; Pilintra from worlds 2024 (on
ly who will insert his address in the form can partecipate)