BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:4546alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=Australia/Sydney:20250111T110000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=Australia/Sydney:20250111T235900 URL: ast-netrunners LOCATION:1 Dane Dr\, Gosford NSW 2250\, Australia SUMMARY:Project Genesis: Central Coast Netrunners CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:Project Genesis - the launch of the Central Coast Netrunners.\n This is an event designed to launch a consistent Netrunner playing communi ty on the Central Coast that welcomes players from all over NSW.\nThe even t will be a friendly tournament of 4 matches (2 as a runner\, 2 as a corp) .\nWhether you're a veteran of many cycles or a complete N()()b\, we want to make it a great day for all.\nRegistration from 10 am\, matches startin g at 11 am\, we'll have 2 matches\, break for lunch\, have 2 more. If you can only come for some of the time\, let us know and we'll make it work.\n Friendly\, casual and aimed to get to know each other\, we'd be glad if yo u can join Central Coast Netrunners' Project Genesis!\nMore details to fol low!\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:

Project Genesis - the launch of the Central Coast Netrunners.\nThis is an event designed to launch a consistent Netru nner playing community on the Central Coast that welcomes players from all over NSW.\nThe event will be a friendly tournament of 4 matches (2 as a r unner\, 2 as a corp).\nWhether you're a veteran of many cycles or a comple te N()()b\, we want to make it a great day for all.\nRegistration from 10 am\, matches starting at 11 am\, we'll have 2 matches\, break for lunch\, have 2 more. If you can only come for some of the time\, let us know and w e'll make it work.\nFriendly\, casual and aimed to get to know each other\ , we'd be glad if you can join Central Coast Netrunners' Project Genesis!\ nMore details to follow!