BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:4545alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=America/Denver:20241208T110000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=America/Denver:20241208T235900 URL: LOCATION:451 Broadway\, Denver\, CO 80203\, USA SUMMARY:Colorado Janksgiving CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:Rules are as follows:\n\n\nThe minimum donation for entry is $1 0. If you feel that you can give more\, please do!\nYou can provide a rece ipt showing a donation to a food insecurity/houselessness charity in your local area\, or you can give me your entry fee (cash\, Paypal and Venmo al l accepted) and I will make a donation after the tournament to [Colorado C oalition for the Homeless].\n\n\nTo get your decks started\, you must requ est a roll from @solemn_storm on the Colorado Netrunner Discord. I'll prov ide you 3 rolls from each side\, consisting of an ID and three cards each. \nYou'll pick one roll from each side to base your deck on. You get one fr ee mulligan that can be used to roll a fourth time on EITHER side (not bot h) if you don't like any of the 3 options. If you use this mulligan option YOU MUST USE THE NEW ROLL\, even if you think it is worse than the origin al 3.\nI'll auto-replace any rolls with illegal IDs or duplicate cards.\n\ n\nDeck building rules are as follows:\n\n\n\nYou must use the ID included in the roll you pick.\nYour deck must include 3 copies of each card rolle d in your deck. The gods have given you these cards for a reason. It would be rude to leave them out.\nIf a rolled card\, eg Luminal Transubstantiat ion\, specifies that it is 1 per deck you must still include a full playse t of 3 copies in your deck.\nCards listed in the rolls you choose DO NOT c ount against your influence limit\, but every identity has 5 TOTAL influen ce to spend on ADDITIONAL out of faction cards\, regardless of the ID's no rmal printed influence values.\n5e.\nAll other Standard Format deckbuildin g rules apply. Standard card pool and ban list (unless you get lucky and r oll a banned card!). Additionally\, Key Performance Indicators is legal.\n \nTournament format: We'll play single sided Swiss rounds based on attenda nce\, with a lunch break about halfway through. At the end of the tourname nt\, each player will have three votes to spend on their favorite opposing decks (these can used on the same deck or different decks in any combinat ion)\, which will determine the jank based prizes.\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:

Rules are as follows:

  1. \n

    T he minimum donation for entry is $10. If you feel that you can give more\, please do!\nYou can provide a receipt showing a donation to a food insecu rity/houselessness charity in your local area\, or you can give me your en try fee (cash\, Paypal and Venmo all accepted) and I will make a donation after the tournament to [Colorado Coalition for the Homeless].

  2. \ n
  3. \n

    To get your decks started\, you must request a roll from @solemn _storm on the Colorado Netrunner Discord. I'll provide you 3 rolls from ea ch side\, consisting of an ID and three cards each.\nYou'll pick one roll from each side to base your deck on. You get one free mulligan that can be used to roll a fourth time on EITHER side (not both) if you don't like an y of the 3 options. If you use this mulligan option YOU MUST USE THE NEW R OLL\, even if you think it is worse than the original 3.\nI'll auto-replac e any rolls with illegal IDs or duplicate cards.

  4. \n
  5. \n

    Deck building rules are as follows:

  6. \n

Tourname nt format: We'll play single sided Swiss rounds based on attendance\, with a lunch break about halfway through. At the end of the tournament\, each player will have three votes to spend on their favorite opposing decks (th ese can used on the same deck or different decks in any combination)\, whi ch will determine the jank based prizes.