BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:4544alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=America/Los_Angeles:20241123T110000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=America/Los_Angeles:20241123T235900 URL: g-spectacular SUMMARY:Gearjock's SoCal Janksgiving Spectacular CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:Blatently Stolen from Shiigua:\nTo make your rolls either:\na) if you are already on stimslack\, join the #janksgiving channel and roll ! jank corp and !jank runner three times each (create a Thread so you don't pollute the channel)\nb) join stimslack and do the above.\nc) ask Gearjock /Gregory to do the rolls for you. They will inform you of the rolls and as k if you want to mulligan\, etc.\nWhen you have your rolls\, pick one roll from each side that you like the look of and build a deck around the card s it provided you.\nRe-rolls:\n4a. You get one free mulligan that can be u sed to roll a 4th time on EITHER side (not both) if you don't like any of the 3 options. If you use this mulligan option YOU MUST USE THE NEW ROLL\, even if you think it is worse than the original 3.\n4a ii. If the Jank go ds are cruel and all 6 of your picks are truly unplayable I may allow you to roll once more for both sides\n4b. The following IDs are not legal for Janksgiving in addition to rotated IDs: Cyber Bureau\, The Shadow\, The Sy ndicate\, The Catalyst\, The Masque\, New Angeles Sol\, ACME\n4c. If one o f your !jank rolls contains one of the above IDs you may re-roll it for fr ee as many times as necessary to get a legal ID in addition to your one st andard mulligan re-roll. This also applies if you roll one of the above ID s in your mulligan re-roll.\n4d. If Sahasrara is naughty and gives you the same card twice in the same roll you may re-roll it for free as many time s as necessary to have three unique non-ID cards in the roll in addition t o your one standard mulligan re-roll.\n4e. If you roll double consoles\, y ou may re-roll for free\nAfter rolling your Jank\, you'll follow Standard deck construction rules with the following additions: You must include 3x copies of each card you rolled\, you may ignore the influence cost of all cards rolled\, and your deck may only include an additional six (6) influe nce to spend during construction. Each corp deck may take up to 3x Spin Do ctor for zero influence.\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:
Blatently Stolen from Shiigua:
\nTo m ake your rolls either:\na) if you are already on stimslack\, join the #jan ksgiving channel and roll !jank corp and !jank runner three times each (cr eate a Thread so you don't pollute the channel)\nb) join stimslack and do the above.\nc) ask Gearjock/Gregory to do the rolls for you. They will inf orm you of the rolls and ask if you want to mulligan\, etc.
\nWhen y ou have your rolls\, pick one roll from each side that you like the look o f and build a deck around the cards it provided you.\nRe-rolls:\n4a. You g et one free mulligan that can be used to roll a 4th time on EITHER side (n ot both) if you don't like any of the 3 options. If you use this mulligan option YOU MUST USE THE NEW ROLL\, even if you think it is worse than the original 3.\n4a ii. If the Jank gods are cruel and all 6 of your picks are truly unplayable I may allow you to roll once more for both sides\n4b. Th e following IDs are not legal for Janksgiving in addition to rotated IDs: Cyber Bureau\, The Shadow\, The Syndicate\, The Catalyst\, The Masque\, Ne w Angeles Sol\, ACME\n4c. If one of your !jank rolls contains one of the a bove IDs you may re-roll it for free as many times as necessary to get a l egal ID in addition to your one standard mulligan re-roll. This also appli es if you roll one of the above IDs in your mulligan re-roll.\n4d. If Saha srara is naughty and gives you the same card twice in the same roll you ma y re-roll it for free as many times as necessary to have three unique non- ID cards in the roll in addition to your one standard mulligan re-roll.\n4 e. If you roll double consoles\, you may re-roll for free
\nAfter ro lling your Jank\, you'll follow Standard deck construction rules with the following additions: You must include 3x copies of each card you rolled\, you may ignore the influence cost of all cards rolled\, and your deck may only include an additional six (6) influence to spend during construction. Each corp deck may take up to 3x Spin Doctor for zero influence.