BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:4542alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=Australia/Melbourne:20241102T113000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=Australia/Melbourne:20241102T235900 URL: nner LOCATION:L1/278 Collins St\, Melbourne VIC 3000\, Australia SUMMARY:Naarm Startup Halloween Runner CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:Netrunner with a weird twist!\nCome along and play some Netrunn er at Plenty of Games Melbourne CBD.\nSaturday 02/11 at PoG 11am player me eting 11:30 start\nFree Event!\nCasual Tournament!\nPick-a-prize 1st-Last. \nCreative Commission Playmat up for grabs\n\nDress your decks up into a d ifferent faction!\nPlay any ID from all of Netrunner with a limited ban li st.\n\nFormat: Startup\, adhering to the 24.09 Startup Banlist.\nSummary o f bans:\n\nNo more than three three point agendas are allowed in a corp de ck\nCreative Commission\nPharos\nTributary\n\nID Bans: All draft ID's.\nRu nner: Liza\, Leela\nCorp: Titan\, PU\, IG\, Mti\, Skorpios\nAdditionally: Adam\, Apex\, and Sunny are available but have 17 influence each. Adam mus t start with his directives from Data &\; Destiny (no Find the Truth!)\ nPlease flick us a message if you have any concerns/queries/jank and conti nue the discussion in the Melbourne Netrunner Discord.\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:
Netrunner with a weird twist!
\nCome along and play some Netrunner at Plenty of Games Melbourne CBD.
\nSa turday 02/11 at PoG 11am player meeting 11:30 start
\nFree Event!\nCasual Tournament!\nPick-a-prize 1st-Last.\nCreative Commission Playmat up for grabs
\nFormat: Startup\, adhering to t he 24.09 Startup Banlist.\nSummary of bans:
\nID Ba ns: All draft ID's.\nRunner: Liza\, Leela\nCorp: Titan\, PU\, IG\, Mti\, S korpios
\nAdditionally: Adam\, Apex\, and Sunny are available but ha ve 17 influence each. Adam must start with his directives from Data &\; Destiny (no Find the Truth!)
\nPlease flick us a message if you hav e any concerns/queries/jank and continue the discussion in the Melbourne N etrunner Discord.