BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:4541alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20250104 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20250106 URL: 2025- SUMMARY:[Online] š š New Years Showdown 2025 š š CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:\nā”ļø Buy Tickets Here!\n\nā”ļø Check my timezone Player meeting at 16:00 UTC \, 11:00am Eastern USA\, 8:00 am PDT\nRound 1 starts 30 minutes later\nThis is going to be the last opportunity you have to qua lify for the 2025 CBI. If you have already qualified for the CBI event I h ope you can get some quality practice in before the big event. I try hard to make all my events new player friendly and even if you have no plans to participate in the CBI event I would still be thrilled if you joined in f or the showdown! The online Showdowns are a great way to make connections with netrunner players all around the globe! š I expect this will be an other epic netrunner tournament bringing together new and old players of a ll skill levels for a wonderful day of connecting with friends and hacking servers š„³\nAll COs are fairly casual events and I make a special effor t to make these events approachable and inviting for newer players. This i s a great place to start if you've never played in an online or any tourna ment before. There is even a bonus prize if you have never played in an on line Showdown before!\nGames will be played on I will be coor dinating the event through the Null Signal online events hub Discord serve r. You can join the server here.\nHow long will the event be? This is goin g to be a large event and I expect to run 8-10 rounds of single sided swis s plus a meal break on day one. This should take between 7 -10 hours. You' re definitely not required to play the whole event to get prizes. I'm sur e some people will end up dropping part way through. I expect we will have enough players for a cut to top 16 on day two\, this will be a standard d ouble elim cut with the same start time as day one.\nI plan to have the ev ent streamed\, if you have interest in commentating or helping stream plea se reach out to me on discord!\n\nWhat happens if I buy a ticket and can't make it? You have two choices\, first I can refund your ticket. The earli er you can register the better it is for me and I don't want that to cost anyone who has their plans change. The second option is to keep your ticke t and I will ship you the participation prizes and any early registration bonuses š Playing is required to receive the first Showdown tournament bonus.\n\nAffordability My main goal for running the Showdown tournaments is to increase access to competitive netrunner. I make an effort to keep t he ticket price affordable\, but I want to make sure the ticket cost isn't a barrier for anyone who would like to play and receive prizes. If you ar e hesitant to play because of the cost you have a couple of options.\nFirs t of all anyone can play completely free without a ticket (tickets are onl y required to receive physical prizes). If you would like to play without receiving physical prizing all you need to do is register on Cobra and sho w up in the discord events hub at the start of the event. Without a ticket you can still win a CBI invite or Beans.\nIf you would like to play and r eceive physical prizes\, but the ticket price would hold you back from pla ying you can use the discount code NETRUNNER4EVERYONE for 100% off the tic ket price. I'm hoping to make sure anyone who wants to play can participat e ā¤ļø This discount codes does not have unlimited uses\, please only us e one if you plan to fully participate in the event\, but please use one i f it would help! So far they haven't come close to running out\, but if th ey do run out you can check again later as people continue to donate more tickets ā¤ļø\nThere is one more option for anyone who can afford to pay for a ticket\, but paying the whole price would be a burden. If it helps\, you're welcome to take $6 off with the code 18$TICKET. I really want to a void the ticket price being a financial burden to play netrunner!\nIf you' re in a comfortable financial position there is an option during check whe re you can chip in an extra 1/4+ ticket to help me offer additional free t ickets.\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:
ā”ļø Check my timezone Player meeting at 16:00 UTC \, 11:00am Eastern USA\, 8:00 am PDT\nRound 1 starts 30 minutes later
\nThis is going to be the last opportunity you hav e to qualify for the 2025 CBI. If you have already qualified for the CBI event I hope you can get some quality practi ce in before the big event. I try hard to make all my events new player fr iendly and even if you have no plans to participate in the CBI event I wou ld still be thrilled if you joined in for the showdown! The online Showdow ns are a great way to make connections with netrunner players all around t he globe! š I expect this will be another epic netrunner tournament bri nging together new and old players of all skill levels for a wonderful day of connecting with friends and hacking servers š„³
\nAll COs are f
airly casual events and I make a special effort to make these events appro
achable and inviting for newer players. This is a great place to start
Games will be played on I will be coordina ting the event through the Null Signal online events hub Discord server. Y ou can join the server here.
\nHow long will the event be? This is going to be a large event and I expect to run 8-10 rounds of single sided swiss plus a meal break on day one. This should take between 7 -10 hours. You're defin itely not required to play the whole event to get prizes. I'm sure some p eople will end up dropping part way through. I expect we will have enough players for a cut to top 16 on day two\, this will be a standard double el im cut with the same start time as day one.
\nI plan to have the event streamed\, if you have interest in commentating or helping stre am please reach out to me on discord!
\nWha t happens if I buy a ticket and can't make it? You have two choic es\, first I can refund your ticket. The earlier you can register the bett er it is for me and I don't want that to cost anyone who has their plans c hange. The second option is to keep your ticket and I will ship you the pa rticipation prizes and any early registration bonuses š Playing is requ ired to receive the first Showdown tournament bonus.
\nAffordability My main goal for running the Showdown t ournaments is to increase access to competitive netrunner. I make an effor t to keep the ticket price affordable\, but I want to make sure the ticket cost isn't a barrier for anyone who would like to play and receive prizes . If you are hesitant to play because of the cost you have a couple of opt ions.
\nFirst of all anyone can play completely free without a ticket (tickets are only required to receive physical prizes). If you would like to play without receiving physical prizing all you need to do is register on Cobra and show up in the discord events hub at the start of the event. Without a ticket you can still win a CBI invite or Bea ns.
\nIf you would like to play and receive physical prizes\, bu t the ticket price would hold you back from playing you can use the discou nt code NETRUNNER4EVERYONE for 100% off the ticket price. I'm hoping to make sure anyone who wants to play can participate ā¤ļø T his discount codes does not have unlimited uses\, please only use one if y ou plan to fully participate in the event\, but please use one if it would help! So far they haven't come close to running out\, bu t if they do run out you can check again later as people continue to donat e more tickets ā¤ļø
\nThere is one more option for anyone who can afford to pay for a ticket\, but paying the whole price would be a burden. If it helps\, you're welcome to take $6 off with the code 18$TICK ET. I really want to avoid the ticket price being a financial bur den to play netrunner!
\nIf you're in a comfortable financial positi on there is an option during check where you can chip in an extra 1/4+ tic ket to help me offer additional free tickets.