BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:4538alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=Europe/Prague:20241123T133000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=Europe/Prague:20241124T235900 URL: p-2024 LOCATION:Vídeňská 80\, 639 00 Brno-střed\, Czechia SUMMARY:Czech National Championship 2024 CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:Hello fellow runners!\nLet`s join our CZ Nats to play best game on this and all other planets! Winner will get honored trophy to be calle d Czech National Champion!\nAfter 4 long years this will be two days event ! Small trouble is\, we need to use other places for each day. So here is schedule:\nSaturday 23.11.2024 at Black Oil (Vídeňská 80\, Brno\, tram n.2\, n.5\, n.6 and n.7\, tram stop Celní)\nDoors open: 13:00\nRegistrati on starts: 13:10\nRound one starts: 13:30\nSunday 24.11.2024 at Mystica TE A &\; PUB (Palackého třída 78\, Brno\, tram n.1 and n.6\, tram stop Husitská)\nDoors open: 14:00\nTop Cut sign in (with possibility of deck c hecks): 14:15\nTop Cut round one start: 14:30\nThere will be 6 rounds of s ingle sided swiss following with TOP 4 cut NEXT (!) day\, but depending on number of attendees. This event is a 'competitive' tier event for the pur poses of judge calls and floor rules. Each round will be 40 minutes long s o as non-final cut games.\nDecklists are required\, please bring written l ists with you or send it by e-mail to adress of TO: krasty23 (at) m.\nProxies and alt arts are allowed\, as long as they are sleeved and rea dable (printed) and have about the same thickness as the official cards. B ut please be considerate to your opponents when building your decks and st ick mostly to official arts where possible.\nPrize: 400 CZK or 15 EUR (acc epting cash in advance or Revolut payment: @krasty )\nDrinks and food are possible to buy (they are accepting credit cards) in a venue! Please do no t bring food from outside to the venue.\nAt sunday there is a possibility of some kind of side event following times of top cut! (more info comming soon...)\nAnd of course\, there will be some kind of "\;saturday night fever"\; somewhere in Brno!!! :o)\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:
Hello fellow runners!
\nLet`s join ou r CZ Nats to play best game on this and all other planets! Winner will get honored trophy to be called Czech National Champion!
\nAfter 4 long years this will be two days event! Small trouble is\, we need to use othe r places for each day. So here is schedule:
\nSaturday 23.11 .2024 at Black Oil (Vídeňská 80\, Brno\, tram n.2\, n.5\, n.6 and n.7\, tram stop Celní)\nDoors open: 13:00\nRegistration starts: 13:10\nRound one starts: 13:30
\nSunday 24.11.2024 at Mystica TEA &\; PUB (Palackého třída 78\, Brno\, tram n.1 and n.6\, tram stop Husitská)\nDoors open: 14:00\nTo p Cut sign in (with possibility of deck checks): 14:15\nTop Cut round one start: 14:30
\nThere will be 6 rounds of single sided swiss followin g with TOP 4 cut NEXT (!) day\, but depending on number of attendees. This event is a 'competitive' tier event for the purposes of judge calls and f loor rules. Each round will be 40 minutes long so as non-final cut games.< /p>\n
Decklists are required\, please bring written lists with you or se nd it by e-mail to adress of TO: krasty23 (at)
\nProxies and alt arts are allowed\, as long as they are sleeved and readable (print ed) and have about the same thickness as the official cards. But please be considerate to your opponents when building your decks and stick mostly t o official arts where possible.
\nPrize: 400 CZK or 15 EUR strong> (accepting cash in advance or Revolut payment: @krasty )
\nD rinks and food are possible to buy (they are accepting credit cards) in a venue! Please do not bring food from outside to the venue.
\nAt sund ay there is a possibility of some kind of side event following times of to p cut! (more info comming soon...)
\nAnd of course\, there will be s ome kind of "\;saturday night fever"\; somewhere in Brno!!! :o)