BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:4536alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=Europe/Berlin:20241123T100000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=Europe/Berlin:20241123T235900 URL: SUMMARY:Munich Circuit 2024.11 CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:Munich Circuit 2024.11\nKeeping the monthly running spirit we'r e meeting once again in November! New and old players are all welcome to p lay\, to test their decks\, to get accustomed to tournament formats\, or s imply meet fellow Netrunners in Munich!\nFormat\nThanks to @Dunsch procuri ng a CO kit we will play in the Standard format and we will play single Sw iss following the latest Standard ban list 24.09. Depending on the number of players we will play 4-6 rounds with 40 minutes for each round. This is an official NSG event\, and we have a judge.\nTime and place\nWe will sta rt at 10am and would expect to conclude by 4:30pm with a lunch break in be tween. The venue is TBD\, but will likely take place near Hohenzollernplat z at a private venue\, so please send me (James) a message over WhatsApp o r Signal if you're interested\, and I'll let you know where to meet. Pleas e kindly respect the house rules (food and drinks welcome).\nPrizes\nThis time we're trying to run a proper CO\, albeit an older kit from 2023 H1. S ee the details of the prizes below. Entry fee will be 8-10 Euros depending on the number of participants.\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:

Munich Circuit 2024.11\nKeeping the monthly running spirit we're meeting once again in November! New and old players are all welcome to play\, to test their decks\, to get accustomed to tourn ament formats\, or simply meet fellow Netrunners in Munich!


Format \nThanks to @Dunsch procuring a CO kit we will play in the Standard format and we will play single Swiss following the latest Standard ban list 24.0 9. Depending on the number of players we will play 4-6 rounds with 40 minu tes for each round. This is an official NSG event\, and we have a judge.\n

Time and place\nWe will start at 10am and would expect to conclude by 4:30pm with a lunch break in between. The venue is TBD\, but will likel y take place near Hohenzollernplatz at a private venue\, so please send me (James) a message over WhatsApp or Signal if you're interested\, and I'll let you know where to meet. Please kindly respect the house rules (food a nd drinks welcome).


Prizes\nThis time we're trying to run a proper CO\, albeit an older kit from 2023 H1. See the details of the prizes belo w. Entry fee will be 8-10 Euros depending on the number of participants.\n DTSTAMP:20250329T080055Z BEGIN:VALARM TRIGGER:-PT120M ACTION:DISPLAY DESCRIPTION:Munich Circuit 2024.11 END:VALARM END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR