BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:4532alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=Europe/London:20241201T120000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=Europe/London:20241201T235900 URL: toke-newington LOCATION:129 Stoke Newington High St\, London N16 0PH\, UK SUMMARY:London H2 CO @ Loading Bar Stoke Newington CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:Oh hey...! Long time no see\, and thanks for waiting\, we hope to see you at the London 2024 H2 Circuit Opener!\nRegistration at 11.30am for a 12.00 start.\nRounds will be 6 rounds of single-sided Swiss with pot ential for a top cut depending on numbers and timing.\nReserve your place for free at this link!\nEntry will be £13 and payment will be taken at th e venue.\nThe event is capped at 18 Players so reserve your place for free at the above link to avoid disappointment!\nPrizing will be standard H224 Prizing as well as additional prizing from the LONDON PRIZE VAULT. **Plea se note that unfortunately the H2 Prize Kits will not be with us by the ti me of the event\, and we have arranged replacement prize promos by kysra a nd brindelmold\, as well as special prizing in the form of one-time "\ ;IOU"\; Alt-Art "\;Greasing the Palm"\; Promos! (Artwork by Am s - see below) **\nFormat will be standard with 24.09 Banlist.\nhttps://nu\nVenue is Loading Bar i n Stoke Newington\nHow to Get There: Closest Stations are Stoke Newington via the Overground from Liverpool Street\, Dalston Kingsland via the Overg round from Highbury &\; Islington/Stratford (best option if coming via King's Cross/Euston)\, or Dalston Junction Overground.\nFood will be avail able to order on site\, and there is a selection of restaurants and cafes nearby\, including London (and arguably the UK's) Best Tacos at Sonora Taq uería. NO OUTSIDE FOOD OR DRINK IS ALLOWED IN THE VENUE.\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:
Oh hey...! Long time no see\, and thanks fo r waiting\, we hope to see you at the London 2024 H2 Circuit Opene r!
\nRegistration at 11.30am for a 12.00 s tart.
\nRounds will be 6 rounds of single-sided Swi ss with potential for a top cut depending on numbers and timing.
\n< a href=\"\">Reserve y our place for free at this link!\nEntry will be £13 and payment will be taken at the venue.
\nThe event is
Prizing will be standard H224 Prizing as well as additional prizing from the LONDON PRIZE VAULT. **Please note that unfortunately the H2 Prize Kits will not be wit h us by the time of the event\, and we have arranged replacement prize pro mos by kysra and brindelmold\, as well as special prizing in the form of o ne-time "\;IOU"\; Alt-Art "\;Greasing the Palm"\; Promos! (Artwork by Ams - see below) **
\nFormat w ill be standard with 24.09 Banlist.\n orted-formats/#standard
\nVenue is Loading Bar in S toke Newington
\nHow to Get There: Closest Stations are Stoke Newington via the Overground from Liverpool St reet\, Dalston Kingsland via the Overground from Highbury &\; Islington/Stratford (best option if coming via King's Cross/Euston )\, or Dalston Junction Overground.
\nFood< /strong> will be available to order on site\, and there is a selection of restaurants and cafes nearby\, including London (and arguably the UK's) Be st Tacos at Sonora Taquería. NO OUTSIDE FOOD OR DRINK IS ALLOWED IN THE V ENUE.