BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:4529alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=Europe/Zurich:20241110T110000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=Europe/Zurich:20241110T235900 URL: nament LOCATION:Rathausgasse 52\, 3011 Bern\, Switzerland SUMMARY:Drachenäscht Random ID Tournament CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:Drachenäscht Random ID Tournament\nCheck-in Time:** 10:30 am - 10::45 am\, please be there in time\nStarting Time: 11:00 am\nFormat: Ran dom ID Tournament\, Swiss format without cut\, 3-4 rounds depending on pla yers.\nNeeded equipment: 1 Runner &\; 1 Corp Deck\, both sleeved\, toke ns\, starting fee\nEntry fee: 10.- CHF / 10.- EURO.\nPrize support: tbd\nR ules: When you sign up to this tournament\, we will send you a random Runn er-ID and a random Corp-ID. This will be the IDs you have to play at this tournament. No ID will be draw twice for a maximum diversity. You can Mull igan once If you are completely unsatisfied with what you end up with. To register: Please send an e-mail here: c-moon/at/\nAvailable ID's wil l be drawn from a pool. Top 32 ID's from Worlds will be banned\, but we mi ght add some rotated ID's as the pool is quite small. All other card you b uild your decks with should be in Standard pool\, concerning the current S BL.\n\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:

Drachenäscht Random ID Tournament

\n< p>Check-in Time:** 10:30 am - 10::45 am\, please be there in time\nStartin g Time: 11:00 am\nFormat: Random ID Tournament\, Swiss format without cut\ , 3-4 rounds depending on players.\nNeeded equipment: 1 Runner &\; 1 Co rp Deck\, both sleeved\, tokens\, starting fee\nEntry fee: 10.- CHF / 10.- EURO.\nPrize support: tbd


Rules: When you sign up to this tournam ent\, we will send you a random Runner-ID and a random Corp-ID. This will be the IDs you have to play at this tournament. No ID will be draw twice f or a maximum diversity. You can Mulligan once If you are completely unsati sfied with what you end up with. To register: Please send an e-mail here: c-moon/at/


Available ID's will be drawn from a pool. Top 32 ID's from Worlds will be banned\, but we might add some rotated ID's as th e pool is quite small. All other card you build your decks with should be in Standard pool\, concerning the current SBL.

