BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:4520alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20241123 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20241124 URL: d-startup-tournament SUMMARY:Strike Fund For Strike Fund Startup Tournament CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:Logistics: We will be using this link for aesops for registrati on\, and #online-tournaments-3 on the Netrunner Event Hub Discord:\nHi all \, I'm a member of The University of Minnesota's Graduate Labor Union and we're more or less on a crash course to striking (see UMN GLU for more det ails but tl\;dr we've been negotiating for over a year and the University has effectively halted bargaining with us).\nUpdate: Strike avoided for no w\, but we as a union still expect negotiations to eventually stall out ag ain\nUpdate 2: We're voting for strike next week!\nSince we're a young uni on that just started getting dues from members in the last few months\, I' m hoping to combine my love for organizing events\, Netrunner\, and Startu p to have a casual level fundraiser for the union's eventual Strike Fund. Donations will go towards supporting striking graduate workers\, as well a s for the infrastructure and material costs that will occur during our fig ht for a fair contract.\nHere's how this works:\nThere will be a google fo rm with registration information including your address for prize support etc.\nWe will do at least 5 rounds of Single Sided Swiss on Aesops or Cobr a (with more and a top cut depending on player count) starting at noon CST \, or 18:00 UTC\nSince startup events are already rare\, I'm not going to require a donation or monetary cost to play. However\, I'm going to ask th at if you want prize support\, to please donate at least $10 USD to the un ion (with the link in the google form when it goes live).\nPrizing\nSince this is more of a casual level event\, here's what prizing looks like:\nI' ll be ordering a few of the 2021 Startup Prize kits\, they have Jailbreak full arts\, Send a Message full arts\, and then Tao/Zahya and PD/BTL full arts. I'll also be augmenting this with the latest GNK which has Your Digi tal Life and Curupira.\n\n\nAll players will get their choices of two play sets from the following: Send A Message\, Jailbreak\, Curupira\, Your Digi tal Life\n\n\nTop 16 will get to choose a Burner/Strike Fund playset (see below)\n\n\nTop 8 will get their choice from the Identity cards (either Ru nner or Corp) and the other playset of Burner / Strike Fund that they didn 't choose from their Top 16 prizing\n\n\nTop 4 will get the other identity card as well alongside a foil Burner playset if they want it (see below)\ n\n\nAlongside the official NSG prizing for GNKs\, I have the following pr izing I'll be providing:\n\n\nFor players who don't mind stuff that's soon set to rotate\, when submitting your google form you can say you want a r andom alt from my pile of "\;stuff that'll rotate with Dawn"\;. Th is includes alts of FFG cards\, some of it may be legal in standard\, some of it may be legal in only eternal. When you submit the form\, just say y ou want it and I'm happy to throw it in\, it won't change shipping costs : )\n\n\nThe Tomorrow's Headline from Run Together summer 2024 (see image be low) is available\, and you can swap out any of the prizing you got from p laying (including participation) for it if you would like.\n\n\nI'm curren tly working on a Burner alt (see below for a possible draft)\, top 16 will automatically get a playset if they want.\n\n\nSaving the best for last\, SeaRose and Zoe Hope from The Tag Mill are currently making a GLU themed Strike Fund alt art\n\n\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:

Logistics: We will be using this link for aesops for regi stration\, and #online-tournaments-3 on the Netrunner Event Hub Discord:


Hi all\, I'm a member o f The University of Minnesota's Graduate Labor Union and we're more or les s on a crash course to striking (see UMN G LU for more details but tl\;dr we've been negotiating for over a year and the University has effectively halted bargaining with us).


Update: Strike avoided for now\, but we as a union still expect negot iations to eventually stall out again


Update 2: W e're voting for strike next week!


Since we're a young uni on that just started getting dues from members in the last few months\, I' m hoping to combine my love for organizing events\, Netrunner\, and Startu p to have a casual level fundraiser for the union's eventual Strike Fund. Donations will go towards supporting striking graduate workers\, as well a s for the infrastructure and material costs that will occur during our fig ht for a fair contract.


Here's how this works:


There wil l be a google form wit h registration information including your address for prize support etc.\n

We will do at least 5 rounds of Single Sided Swiss on Aesops or Cob ra (with more and a top cut depending on player count) starting at noon CST\, or 18:00 UTC

\ n

Since startup events are already rare\, I'm not going to require a don ation or monetary cost to play. However\, I'm going to ask that if you wan t prize support\, to please donate at least $10 USD to the union (with the link in the google form when it goes live).




Sin ce this is more of a casual level event\, here's what prizing looks like:< /p>\n

I'll be ordering a few of the 2021 Startup Prize kits\, they have Jailbreak full arts\, Send a Message full arts\, and then Tao/Zahya and PD /BTL full arts. I'll also be augmenting this with the latest GNK which has Your Digital Life and Curupira.


Alongside the official NSG prizing f or GNKs\, I have the following prizing I'll be providing: