BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:4507alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=Europe/London:20241102T120000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=Europe/London:20241102T235900 URL: erseyside-grid LOCATION:136 Bedford Rd\, Birkenhead CH42 2AS\, UK SUMMARY:Gateway+Update Tournament - Merseyside Grid CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:Join us at Indigo for a casual tournament/chance to play some g ood games of Netrunner and meet new people!\nAll you will need to bring is two decks\, one corp and one runner\, using only cards from System Gatewa y and System Update. Paper proxies are absolutely fine and if you need any help with lists or printing I would be happy to help\, please get in touc h. Also useful would be some dice or tokens to track credits\, but I do ha ve multiple spare sets so don’t rush out and buy some if you don’t hav e any\, I should be able to sort people out."\;\nThis will be a beginn er friendly event. But trust me\, the prizing will go well beyond that! Th ere will be plenty available to all\, and something special for everyone a ttending their first event! And to tempt the old heads: There will be a ch ance at some extra special loot snaffled from Toronto Worlds 2022…\nIf y ou require proxies\, I have printing facilities at the venue (there will b e a small charge to cover ink). In order to guarantee they will be ready i n time please give me plenty of notice.\nEntry fee: £5 (can be waived on request\, I’d rather you play than pay!)\nIndigo is a neighbourhood cafe and events venue (owned and run by me!) in Birkenhead. We are easily acce ssible from the centre of Liverpool\, with trains running from Lime St and other central stations every 15 mins\, arriving at Rock Ferry station jus t 3 mins up the road. For drivers\, there is a free car park at the back o f the venue (accessible from New Chester Road).\nOur food offering will be available beforehand and during the lunch break\, including all day break fast\, sandwiches\, soups and more (with veggie and vegan options availabl e) and we have a range of soft drinks as well as a fully licensed bar. We also have a well stocked board game cupboard\, should you wish to hang out either before or after the event! \nMore info: \n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:
Join us at Indigo for a casual tournament/c hance to play some good games of Netrunner and meet new people!
\nAl l you will need to bring is two decks\, one corp and one runner\, using on ly cards from System Gateway and System Update. Paper proxies are absolute ly fine and if you need any help with lists or printing I would be happy t o help\, please get in touch. Also useful would be some dice or tokens to track credits\, but I do have multiple spare sets so don’t rush out and buy some if you don’t have any\, I should be able to sort people out.&qu ot\;
\nThis will be a beginner friendly event. But trust me\, the pr izing will go well beyond that! There will be plenty available to all\, an d something special for everyone attending their first event! And to tempt the old heads: There will be a chance at some extra special loot snaffled from Toronto Worlds 2022…
\nIf you require proxies\, I have print ing facilities at the venue (there will be a small charge to cover ink). I n order to guarantee they will be ready in time please give me plenty of n otice.
\nEntry fee: £5 (can be waived on request\, I’d rather you play than pay!)
\nIndigo is a neighbourhood cafe and events venue ( owned and run by me!) in Birkenhead. We are easily accessible from the cen tre of Liverpool\, with trains running from Lime St and other central stat ions every 15 mins\, arriving at Rock Ferry station just 3 mins up the roa d. For drivers\, there is a free car park at the back of the venue (access ible from New Chester Road).\nOur food offering will be available beforeha nd and during the lunch break\, including all day breakfast\, sandwiches\, soups and more (with veggie and vegan options available) and we have a ra nge of soft drinks as well as a fully licensed bar. We also have a well st ocked board game cupboard\, should you wish to hang out either before or a fter the event! \nMore info: