BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:4499alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=Europe/Berlin:20241026T100000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=Europe/Berlin:20241026T235900 URL: SUMMARY:Berlin H2 2024 Startup CT CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:The new Startup Balance Update breathes new life into the forma t\, and it's time Berlin celebrates that! Join us as we close out the year with a Casual Tournament!\nThis tournament will be conducted via Cobra:\n Link to the tournament here\nLocation\nWe will be conducting the tournamen t in the Schöneweide office of BÜNDNIS 90/DIE GRÜNEN (the Greens)\, nea r S Schöneweide.\nThe exact address of that is\nSchnellerstraße 22\, Ber lin-Treptow-Köpenick\, Germany.\nRegistration\nPlease send me an e-mail a t or contact me on Discord (@girometics) to reg ister and receive payment details.\nWe will be taking an entry/participati on/organizational fee of 15\,- EUR\, if booked before the end of Oct 20\, 18\,- EUR after that and 20\,- EUR at the venue. This can be paid preferab ly via online transfer\, but in a pinch payment in cash at the venue is al so possible.\nEvent\nThis will be the official Berlin Startup Casual Tourn ament for 2024 H2 (formerly called 'Circuit Opener').\nThe event starts at 10:00 local time and is planned to conclude by 19:00\, and we will have a t least a 30 min break in between.\nWe will probably have dinner afterward s\, so feel free to join.\nIf we can manage to get it working\, the games may end up being streamed. I will give further details on this closer to t he event.\nFormat\nTO is Girometics (@girometics on Discord).\nWe will be playing 5 (five) or 6 (six) rounds of Single-sided Swiss\, depending on ti me\, and have a Top 3 Cut if we are at least 8 players.\nAllowed sets: Sys tem Gateway\, System Update 2021 and the Liberation Cycle (The Automata In itiative + Rebellion Without Rehearsal).\nWe will apply the latest Startup Ban List.\nProxies of acceptable quality (color or grayscale) are permitt ed. (For details consult the Official NSG Organized Play Policies)\nYou sh ould enter your decklists when registering on []. Otherwis e\, please send me your decklists before the event starts at girometics.ns\, preferably as a netrunnerdb link or a .txt-file.\nOpaque s leeves are mandatory.\nTO will participate depending on the number of atte ndees and parity.\nFood and Drinks\nThe Greens offer drinks in their offic e in exchange for a small donation.\nThe venue is the very close to S Sch öneweide. There is an Edeka on the street and a shopping mall closeby wit h a Food Court inside.\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:
The new Startup Balance Update breathes n ew life into the format\, and it's time Berlin celebrates that! Join us as we close out the year with a Casual Tournament!
\nThis tournament w ill be conducted via Cobra:\nLink to the tournament here
\nWe will be conducting the tournament in the Schöneweide office of B ÜNDNIS 90/DIE GRÜNEN (the Greens)\, near S Schöneweide.
\nThe exa ct address of that is\nSchnellerstraße 22\, Berlin-Treptow-Köpenick\, Ge rmany.
\nPlease send me an e-mail at girometi or contact me on Discord (@girometics) to register and receive payment details.\nWe will be taking an entry/participation/organiz ational fee of 15\,- EUR\, if booked before the end o f Oct 20\, 18\,- EUR after that and 20\,- EU R at the venue. This can be paid preferably via online transfer\, but in a pinch payment in cash at the venue is also possible.
\nThis will be the official Berlin Startup Casual Tournament fo r 2024 H2 (formerly called 'Circuit Opener').\nThe event starts at 10:00 local time and is planned to conclude by 19:00\, and we wi ll have at least a 30 min break in between.\nWe will probably have dinner afterwards\, so feel free to join.\nIf we can manage to get it working\, t he games may end up being streamed. I will give further details on this cl oser to the event.
\nTO is Girometics (@girometics on Discord).\nWe will be playing 5 (five) or 6 (six) rounds of Single-side d Swiss\, depending on time\, and have a Top 3 Cut if we are at least 8 pl ayers.\nAllowed sets: System Gateway\, System Update 2021 and the Liberati on Cycle (The Automata Initiative + Rebellion Without Rehearsal).\nWe will apply the latest Startup Ban List.\nProxies of accepta ble quality (color or grayscale) are permitted. (For details consult the < a href=\" icies%202024.09%20-%20Standard.pdf\">Official NSG Organized Play Policies< /a>)\nYou should enter your decklists when registering on [ t]. Otherwise\, please send me your decklists before the event sta rts at\, preferably as a netrunnerdb l ink or a .txt-file.\nOpaque sleeves are mandatory.\nTO will participate de pending on the number of attendees and parity.
\nThe Greens offer drinks in their office in exchange for a small don ation.
\nThe venue is the very close to S Schöneweide. There is an Edeka on the street and a shopping mall closeby with a Food Court inside.< /p>\n DTSTAMP:20250329T082809Z BEGIN:VALARM TRIGGER:-PT120M ACTION:DISPLAY DESCRIPTION:Berlin H2 2024 Startup CT END:VALARM END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR