BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:4493alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=America/Los_Angeles:20241121T173000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=America/Los_Angeles:20241121T235900 URL: rnament-jank-at-chucks LOCATION:656 NW 85th St\, Seattle\, WA 98117\, USA SUMMARY:Seattle Consumer-Grade Tournament - Jank at Chucks CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:Welcome to the Consumer-Grade Tournament!\n\nI'm running a tour nament during the Seattle Thursday meetup at Chucks! Here are the details: \nThis will be a tournament with the standard cardpool + current banlist\, with one important exception:\nYou are allowed to have up to 6 copies of each card in your deck\n6 Rashida? 6 Oppo Research? 6 Trick Shot? 6 Divers ion of Funds? Do it all!\nSome minor notes:\n\nAll the normal rules still apply\, so keep in mind that 6 Diversion of Funds will be 30 inf and not p ossible in non-crim. Ampere and Nova players in shambles.\nYou can have 6 copies of as many cards as you want\, not just one. Feel free to start cor p deckbuilding with 6 hedge fund 6 rashida 6 spin doctor and work your way up from there.\nAny card that has "\;limit 1 per deck"\; is still limit 1 per deck. For those who were already set on 6 luminal PD\, sorry about that. Maybe we'll do it next time.\nAs a fun addition I'm allowing u p to 12 copies of Matryoshka for runner decks. Not sure if it'll be good b ut why not try it out?\nSingle-sided swiss\, I'm guessing probably 5 round s based on time. No top cut.\n\nIf you have any questions\, or need proxie s pre-tournament\, message me on discord. I'm on Emerald City Grid and the GLC servers as cablooshe.\nI'm going to recommend a $10 entry fee to help cover my commission costs but tbh don't worry about it if you can't pay. Just come play some weird jank! I'll start the first round at 5:30pm\, but feel free to join in later.\nSome info about making decks:\nnetrunnerdb a llows for making decks with up to 9 copies of a card for draft format. If you want to deckbuild with it\, open the decklist you want to edit\, and g o to Settings->\;Card Limits->\;Maximum 9\n\nYou can save the deck usi ng the ID that you're planning on using\, but I think for publishing it'll be illegal unless you change your ID to one of the draft IDs (such as &qu ot\;The Masque"\; or "\;The Shadow"\;).\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:

Welcome to the Consumer-Grade Tour nament!




I'm running a tournament during the Seattle Thursday meetup at Chucks! Here are the details:


This wi ll be a tournament with the standard cardpool + current banlist\, with one important exception:


You are allowed to have up to 6 copies o f each card in your deck


6 Rashida? 6 Oppo Research? 6 Trick Shot? 6 Diversion of Funds? Do it all!


Some minor notes:


If you have any questions \, or need proxies pre-tournament\, message me on discord. I'm on Emerald City Grid and the GLC servers as cablooshe.


I'm going to recommend a $10 entry fee to help cover my commission costs but tbh don't worry abo ut it if you can't pay. Just come play some weird jank! I'll start the fir st round at 5:30pm\, but feel free to join in later.


Some info ab out making decks:


netrunnerdb allows for making decks with up to 9 copies of a card for draft format. If you want to deckbuild with it\, op en the decklist you want to edit\, and go to Settings->\;Card Li mits->\;Maximum 9




You can sav e the deck using the ID that you're planning on using\, but I think for pu blishing it'll be illegal unless you change your ID to one of the draft ID s (such as "\;The Masque"\; or "\;The Shadow"\;).