BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:4490alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=Europe/Berlin:20241026T100000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=Europe/Berlin:20241026T235900 URL: SUMMARY:Munich Circuit 24.10 CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:Munich Circuit 24.10\nThe first Munich Circuit has been small b ut successful. Let's keep it going in October! Again new and old players a re all welcome to play\, to test their decks\, to get accustomed to tourna ment formats\, or simply meet fellow Netrunners in Munich!\nFormat\nWe wil l play in the Standard format and we will play single Swiss following the latest Standard ban list 24.09. Depending on the number of players we will play 3-5 rounds with 40 minutes for each round. This is not an official N SG event\, but we do have a judge.\nTime and place\nWe will start at 10am and would expect to conclude by 4pm with a lunch break in between. The ven ue is TBD\, but will likely take place near Hohenzollernplatz at a private venue\, so please send me (James) a message over WhatsApp or Signal if yo u're interested\, and I'll let you know where to meet. Please kindly respe ct the house rules (food and drinks welcome).\nPrizes\nAs this is a casual event\, your placement is only for bragging rights and not tied to the pr izes. For an entrance fee of 5 euros\, each participant will get to choose a playset of alt arts or old FFG proxies\, with the lowest placement a pr iority to pick first whatever boosts their arsenal.\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:

Munich Circuit 24.10


The first Mu nich Circuit has been small but successful. Let's keep it going in October ! Again new and old players are all welcome to play\, to test their decks\ , to get accustomed to tournament formats\, or simply meet fellow Netrunne rs in Munich!




We will play in the Standard format and we will play single Swiss following the latest Standard ban list 24.0 9. Depending on the number of players we will play 3-5 rounds with 40 minu tes for each round. This is not an official NSG event\, but we do have a j udge.


Time and place


We will start at 10am and would exp ect to conclude by 4pm with a lunch break in between. The venue is TBD\, b ut will likely take place near Hohenzollernplatz at a private venue\, so p lease send me (James) a message over WhatsApp or Signal if you're interest ed\, and I'll let you know where to meet. Please kindly respect the house rules (food and drinks welcome).




As this is a cas ual event\, your placement is only for bragging rights and not tied to the prizes. For an entrance fee of 5 euros\, each participant will get to cho ose a playset of alt arts or old FFG proxies\, with the lowest placement a priority to pick first whatever boosts their arsenal.