BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:449alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=Europe/Brussels:20170401T103000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=Europe/Brussels:20170401T235900 URL: LOCATION:Sint-Hubertusstraat 3\, 3000 Leuven\, Belgium SUMMARY:ANR: Unsung Heroes CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:\nTime for the try-hards to try even harder\, because we will b e celebrating our unsung heroes!\nUpon registration\, each player will be assigned two randomly generated numbers from 1 to 15. These numbers corres pond to a runner and a corp ID each (listed on the Facebook event discussi on). One randomly generated number corresponds to a runner ID\, the other to a corp ID. You cannot use the same number for both your ID's. It is up to the player to build his or her decks using these randomly assigned IDs and try to outsmart the competition.\nExample:\nMy randomly generated numb ers are 4 and 11.\nThe number 4 corresponds to the runner ID "\;Exile& quot\;\, and also to the corp ID "\;Weyland: Because we Built it"\ ;.\nThe number 11 corresponds to the runner ID "\;Silhouette"\; an d to the corp ID "\;The Foundry"\;.\nI can now choose to play as E xile - The Foundry\, or as Silhoutte - Weyland: Because we Built it.\nSinc e creative deckbuilding requires some time\, participants will have to sig n up in advance using this event page. Each player who has signed up by 25 .03.2017 will receive their numbers. Players are not required to share the ir ID picks.\nPlayers who sign up after the 25th will still be able to com pete\, but will have less time to build their decks.\nIMPORTANT:\nDue to t he unique nature of this format\, the runner card "\;Rebirth"\; wi ll be banned. We don't want you to get back in your Whizzy-comfort zone.\n The latest version of the NAPD Most Wanted List 1.1 is in full effect:\nht tps:// 731-b2b6-5d3020b2bb02/adn_tournament_regulations_v113.pdf (page 9)\nThe de tails:\nDoors and registration: 10:30 am\nTournament start: 11:00 am\nEntr y fee: €8\,00\nCard legality: up to Daedalus Complex\nWe will start the tournament with three to four rounds of swiss pairings depending on attend ance. Each round will consist of 65 minutes within which you and your oppo nent must play both as the runner and the corporation.\nBetween each round there will be an approximate 10 minute break\, pausing at around 12:15 pm with an extended break for lunch.\nAfter all rounds of swiss have been co mpleted\, the standings will be announced and prizes will be distributed. Instead of a top 4 double-elimination cut\, the top 3 players will face of f to see who gets to claim the first prize.\nPrizes include alt-art Mushin No Shin\, alt art Sunny LeBeau and acryllic NBN clicktrackers.\nUPDATE\nA dditional prize support:\nA full playset of alt art Adonis Campaigns will be awarded for the most original\, creative and least degenerate runner an d corp decks. This will be determined by a voting system: after swiss\, al l participants may vote on the runner and corp deck they thought were fun and creative (and of course they cannot vote on their own decks).\nUPDATE 13/3\nDue to confusion in prize support\, we will be awarding prijzes from the Q1 Tournament Kit. We will still be awarding the alt art Adonis Campa ign playsets for original decks!\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:
Time for the try-hards to try even harder\, because we will be celebrating our unsung heroes!
\nUpon re gistration\, each player will be assigned two randomly generated numbers f rom 1 to 15. These numbers correspond to a runner and a corp ID each (list ed on the Facebook event discussion). One randomly generated number corres ponds to a runner ID\, the other to a corp ID. You cannot use the same num ber for both your ID's. It is up to the player to build his or her decks u sing these randomly assigned IDs and try to outsmart the competition.
\ nExample:\nMy randomly generated numbers are 4 and 11.\nThe number 4 co rresponds to the runner ID "\;Exile"\;\, and also to the corp ID & quot\;Weyland: Because we Built it"\;.\nThe number 11 corresponds to t he runner ID "\;Silhouette"\; and to the corp ID "\;The Foundr y"\;.\nI can now choose to play as Exile - The Foundry\, or as Silhout te - Weyland: Because we Built it.
\nSince creative deckbuilding req uires some time\, participants will have to sign up in advance using this event page. Each player who has signed up by 25.03.2017 will receive their numbers. Players are not required to share their ID picks.\nPlayers who s ign up after the 25th will still be able to compete\, but will have less t ime to build their decks.
\nIMPORTANT:\nDue to the unique nature of this format\, the runner card "\;Rebirth"\; will be banned. We don 't want you to get back in your Whizzy-comfort zone.\nThe latest version o f the NAPD Most Wanted List 1.1 is in full effect:\n 2/adn_tournament_regulations_v113.pdf (page 9)
\nThe details:\nDoors and registration: 10:30 am\nTournament start: 11:00 am\nEntry fee: €8\, 00\nCard legality: up to Daedalus Complex
\nWe will start the tourna ment with three to four rounds of swiss pairings depending on attendance. Each round will consist of 65 minutes within which you and your opponent m ust play both as the runner and the corporation.\nBetween each round there will be an approximate 10 minute break\, pausing at around 12:15 pm with an extended break for lunch.\nAfter all rounds of swiss have been complete d\, the standings will be announced and prizes will be distributed. Instea d of a top 4 double-elimination cut\, the top 3 players will face off to s ee who gets to claim the first prize.
\nPrizes include alt-art Mushi n No Shin\, alt art Sunny LeBeau and acryllic NBN clicktrackers.
\n< strong>UPDATE\nAdditional prize support:\nA full playset of alt art Adonis Campaigns will be awarded for the most original\, creat ive and least degenerate runner and corp decks. This will be determined by a voting system: after swiss\, all participants may vote on the runner an d corp deck they thought were fun and creative (and of course they cannot vote on their own decks).
\nUPDATE 13/3\nD ue to confusion in prize support\, we will be awarding prijzes from the Q1 Tournament Kit. We will still be awarding the alt art Adonis Campaign pla ysets for original decks!