BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:4479alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20250205 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20250206 URL: trunners-meetup LOCATION:55 Crystal Ave #21\, Derry\, NH 03038\, USA SUMMARY:*BI-WEEKLY* New Hampshire Netrunners Meetup CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:Join the New Hampshire Netrunners discord: GkmbTqxqM\nWe meet EVERY OTHER Wednesday evening for Netrunner at Midgard Hobbies and Games in Derry\, NH! Pop into the discord to figure out which Wednesday is the right one to attend. If you want to figure it out yoursel f we most recently met on 9/25/2024 as of the time of writing.\nWe largely play in the Standard format but we're open to playing in Startup as well - we might not have Startup decks built without notice but if you bring pa irs we're happy to play with those or if you give us notice we'll generall y be able to build some Startup decks as well.\nOn that note we have TONs of spare decks on any given week and are happy to provide you with decks f or the evening.\nIf you don't know the game AT ALL we'd LOVE to teach it t o you. Just show up!\nNo table fees are charged and there are food &\; snacks in the store as well as plenty of food options in the plaza the sto re is in.\nHope to see you there!\nIf you have any questions please join t he New Hampshire Netrunner's Discord and look for Cannister for any info y ou need:\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:
Join the New Hampshire Netrunners discord:
\nWe meet EVERY OTHER Wednesday evenin g for Netrunner at Midgard Hobbies and Games in Derry\, NH! Pop into the d iscord to figure out which Wednesday is the right one to attend. If you wa nt to figure it out yourself we most recently met on 9/25/2024 as of the t ime of writing.
\nWe largely play in the Standard format but we're o pen to playing in Startup as well - we might not have Startup decks built without notice but if you bring pairs we're happy to play with those or if you give us notice we'll generally be able to build some Startup decks as well.
\nOn that note we have TONs of spare decks on any given week and are happy to provide you with decks for the evening.
\nIf you do n't know the game AT ALL we'd LOVE to teach it to you. Just show up!
\nNo table fees are charged and there are food &\; snacks in the store as well as plenty of food options in the plaza the store is in.
\nH ope to see you there!
\nIf you have any questions please join the Ne w Hampshire Netrunner's Discord and look for Cannister for any info you ne ed: