BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:4471alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=America/Chicago:20250227T180000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=America/Chicago:20250227T235900 URL: runner-asgard-games LOCATION:3302 S Shepherd Dr\, Houston\, TX 77098\, USA SUMMARY:Houston Thursday Night Netrunner @ Asgard Games CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:Hello H-Town! This recurring meetup is geared towards beginners and former players returning to the game\, though all experience levels a re welcome. :)\nLocation: We tend to meet in the middle of the store just in front of the raised miniatures tables. When you enter the store through the main entrance\, it will be on your right.\nTime: The meetup starts at 6pm and usually goes until 8:30 or 9pm. Although it starts at 6\, you don 't need to roll up exactly at that time.\nAccessibility: Asgard has fairly limited parking but it's possible to park on the side streets. I've had s uccess parking on W Main St\, with the furthest I've needed to walk being less than a quarter of a mile. To enter the building\, you can either go u p two steps or use the ramp.\nGuidelines: Please be respectful of your fel low Netrunners. This not only means being generally civil\, it also extend s to using someone's preferred pronouns. This meetup is meant to be a safe and welcoming space for folks from all sorts of backgrounds and identitie s to enjoy the game.\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:
Hello H-Town! This recurring meetup is gear ed towards beginners and former players returning to the game\, though all experience levels are welcome. :)
\nLocation: We tend to meet in th e middle of the store just in front of the raised miniatures tables. When you enter the store through the main entrance\, it will be on your right.< /p>\n
Time: The meetup starts at 6pm and usually goes until 8:30 or 9pm. Although it starts at 6\, you don't need to roll up exactly at that time.
\nAccessibility: Asgard has fairly limited parking but it's possibl e to park on the side streets. I've had success parking on W Main St\, wit h the furthest I've needed to walk being less than a quarter of a mile. To enter the building\, you can either go up two steps or use the ramp.
\ nGuidelines: Please be respectful of your fellow Netrunners. This not o nly means being generally civil\, it also extends to using someone's prefe rred pronouns. This meetup is meant to be a safe and welcoming space for f olks from all sorts of backgrounds and identities to enjoy the game.