BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:4463alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=America/Chicago:20241026T120000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=America/Chicago:20241026T235900 URL: f-terror LOCATION:2438 W Anderson Ln. B1\, Austin\, TX 78757\, USA SUMMARY:Hack O' Lantern V: Remotes of Terror CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:\nThe newest and most shocking chapter of HOL yet...\nTo celebr ate the spooky season\, Hack O' Lantern returns\, with its marquee format: Costume Party! Each Runner and Corp deck will masquerade as a character f rom times gone by\, but don't be fooled!\nTo don a sweet costume and jam s illy games for this event\, follow these steps!\n\nFor each of your decks\ , choose any* ID from the game's history\n\n*Minus Discontinued Costumes a nd identities banned in Standard.\n\n\nBuild your deck as if the chosen ID is in a different main faction on its side (Anarch\, Criminal\, Shaper\, HB\, Jinteki\, NBN\, Weyland).\nUse the Standard cardpool and Standard Ban List!\n\nSpecial deckbuilding rules for minifaction costumes:\n\nEach min ifaction identity has 15 influence\, not 25.\nYou have access to all cards from your costume's minifaction\, even rotated ones (but you spend influe nce to import them as usual).\nAdam does not spend influence for his start ing directives.\n\nDiscontinued Costumes:\nRunner: Leela\, (Liza\, Wu)\nCo rp: IG\, PU\, Skorpios\, (Mti)\nClarifications:\n\nKey Performance Indicat ors (unreleased Sokka champ card) is LEGAL for this event!\nThe Dopplegang er Rule: DJ Fenris can choose a g-mod with the same name as your costume\, provided the factions are different. (You can play Anarch Steve Cambridge and then DJ for Criminal Steve Cambridge\, for example).\n\n\nEntry fee i s $5\, paid at the counter.\nThere will be 6 rounds of Single-Sided Swiss\ , 40 minutes each.\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:
The newest and most shocking chapter of HO L yet...
\nTo celebrate the spooky season\, Hack O' Lantern ret urns\, with its marquee format: Costume Party! Each Runne r and Corp deck will masquerade as a character from times gone by\, but do n't be fooled!
\nTo don a sweet costume and jam silly games for this event\, follow these steps!
\nSpecial deckb uilding rules for minifaction costumes:
\nDiscontinued Costumes:\nRun ner: Leela\, (Liza\, Wu)\nCorp: IG\, PU\, Skorpi os\, (Mti)
\nEntry fee is $5\, paid at the counter.
\nThere will be 6 rounds of Single-Sided Swiss\, 40 minutes each.