BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:4459alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=Europe/Brussels:20241102T130000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=Europe/Brussels:20241103T235900 URL: hip-2024 LOCATION:Stadswaag 21\, 2000 Antwerpen\, Belgium SUMMARY:Belgian National Championship 2024 CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:\nJACK IN\, NETIZENS.\nWe're proud to announce the Netrunner Be lgian National Championships for 2024. This year it will again be hosted i n Antwerpen in a beautiful Scottish pub named The Highlander. Quite fittin g\, there can be only one champion! On Saturday 2/11 we will play 5 rounds of double-sided swiss and on Sunday 3/11 we will host the top 8 and a Sta rtup tournament with a prizing table. If you are a newer player you can al so compete in only the Startup tournament on Sunday at a reduced entry cos t.\nOn Saturday between rounds 4 and 5 a round of drinks will be bought fo r everyone to commemorate the last and final Belgian National Championship \, so don't miss it!\n\n||| DATA |||\nDates: Saturday 2 - Sunday 3 Novembe r\nDoors: 12:00 | Registration 12:30 | Start: 13:00\nCore damage: €20 | Startup only: €10\nTO: Thomas "\;Cluster Fox"\; Van der Cruysse\ nJudge: Floris "\;Slowriffs"\; Sommen\nMartial: Ruben "\;Ruben Pieters"\; Pieters (official NSG rules team)\n\n||| PRIZES |||\nPartic ipation: 3x alt art Wall to Wall\nTop 16: 3x alt art Joyride\nTop 8: 3x li mited edition metal dice\nTop 4: Asmund Pudlat playmat\nWinner: National C hampion plaque by Jakuza\, invitation to the Circuit Breaker Invitaional a nd free entrance to World Championships 2025\n\n||| TOURNAMENT |||\nAs thi s is a Competitive-level event\, the format will be Standard\, so from Red Sands cycle through to Liberation. An overview and the Standard Ban List can be found here: The Standard Ban List 24.09 will be enforced. Decklists are mandatory. All cards must be in opaque sleeves. Proxies for any legal card are perfectly fine\, but they must be of decent quality and immediately recognizable as the card they represent. You can find print &\; play versions of the c ards on the product page: of the Nisei website .\n\n||| VENUE |||\nThe Highlander is a beautiful Scottish pub in the stud ent district of Antwerp. We will be hosting Nationals in the event space u nder the pub. As far as drinks go\, if you bring a water bottle then that' s fine\, but we would like to encourage everyone to consume some drinks at the bar\, they have a wide selection of beers and softdrinks (and whisky\ , for the connoisseurs). Similar for food\, if you bring some biscuits or a piece of fruit that's no issue\, but you can't bring in hot meals. The H ighlander has a warm kitchen with home made treats like soups\, sandwiches \, burgers and pasta. They also have warm snacks you can order over the co urse of the day.\nImportant to know is as we start at 13:00 each day\, we are expecting you to have had your lunch before we start. If you do not wa nt to eat at The Highlander\, there are a few spots in the area you can gr ab a bite to eat. For dinner options there are plenty of lovely places in the area including authentic Belgian fries\, traditional cuisine\, Mexican \, even Ethiopian.\nThose who attended Belgian Nats 2019 will recognise th e venue\, as it's on the same square where we did the BBQ then. There are plenty of bars and restaurants in the area\, many will remember the Harry Potter shots in Klimax \;)\n\n||| TRAVEL |||\nFor out of towners\, if you are coming by train to Antwerp Central Station\, you can cross the Astridp lein and there are several trams above or underground that you can take to get near the venue. On foot it's about 20 minutes walking. You all have s martphones and you can figure it out\, but if you want specific instructio ns reach out via the channels listed below.\nIf you're coming by car\, par king is very tricky. A law was recently passed that if you do not live in Antwerp\, you are not allowed to park on the streets Monday through Saturd ay (although Sunday is totally free)\, and the fines are quite hefty. If y ou want to park in the area I would recommend Q-Park Godefriduskaai which is a 10 minute walk from the venue. The best value option is to park in on e of the many P+R (Park and Ride) spots just outside the city. They are ve ry cheap and your parking ticket also allows you to use public transport f or free throughout the weekend.\n\n||| JACK IN |||\nStay connected and be on top of any updates we post! Meet up with fellow travellers to Antwerp\, find lodgings\, meet up for games!\nFacebook: ents/1170484510916542\nStimhack Slack: channel #belgian-nationals\nDiscord :\nHope to see all you hot-handed cyberwarri ors jamming the Belgian mainframes\, this is me Cluster Fox\, jacking out. \n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:





We're proud to announce the Netrunner Belgian National Championships for 2 024. This year it will again be hosted in Antwerpen in a beautiful Scottis h pub named The Highlander. Quite fitting\, there can be only one champion ! On Saturday 2/11 we will play 5 rounds of double-sided swiss and on Sund ay 3/11 we will host the top 8 and a Startup tournament with a prizing tab le. If you are a newer player you can also compete in only the Startup tou rnament on Sunday at a reduced entry cost.


On Saturday between rou nds 4 and 5 a round of drinks will be bought for everyone to commemorate t he last and final Belgian National Championship\, so don't miss it!

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||| DATA |||


Dates: Saturday 2 - Sunday 3 November\nDo ors: 12:00 | Registration 12:30 | Start: 13:00\nCore damage: €20 | Start up only: €10\nTO: Thomas "\;Cluster Fox"\; Van der Cruysse\nJudg e: Floris "\;Slowriffs"\; Sommen\nMartial: Ruben "\;RubenPiete rs"\; Pieters (official NSG rules team)


||| PRIZES || |


Participation: 3x alt art Wall to Wall\nTop 16: 3x alt art Joyr ide\nTop 8: 3x limited edition metal dice\nTop 4: Asmund Pudlat playmat\nW inner: National Champion plaque by Jakuza\, invitation to the Circuit Brea ker Invitaional and free entrance to World Championships 2025

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As this is a Competitive-level event\, th e format will be Standard\, so from Red Sands cycle through to Liberation. An overview and the Standard Ban List can be found here: t/players/supported-formats/#standard. The Standard Ban List 24.09 will be enforced. Decklists are mandatory. All cards must be in opaque sleeves. P roxies for any legal card are perfectly fine\, but they must be of decent quality and immediately recognizable as the card they represent. You can f ind print &\; play versions of the cards on the product page: https://n of the Nisei website.


||| VENUE |||\n

The Highlander is a beautiful Scottish pub in the student district of Antwerp. We will be hosting Nationals in the event space under the pub. As far as drinks go\, if you bring a water bottle then that's fine\, but we would like to encourage everyone to consume some drinks at the bar\, th ey have a wide selection of beers and softdrinks (and whisky\, for the con noisseurs). Similar for food\, if you bring some biscuits or a piece of fr uit that's no issue\, but you can't bring in hot meals. The Highlander has a warm kitchen with home made treats like soups\, sandwiches\, burgers an d pasta. They also have warm snacks you can order over the course of the d ay.


Important to know is as we start at 13:00 each day\, we are ex pecting you to have had your lunch before we start. If you do not want to eat at The Highlander\, there are a few spots in the area you can grab a b ite to eat. For dinner options there are plenty of lovely places in the ar ea including authentic Belgian fries\, traditional cuisine\, Mexican\, eve n Ethiopian.


Those who attended Belgian Nats 2019 will recognise t he venue\, as it's on the same square where we did the BBQ then. There are plenty of bars and restaurants in the area\, many will remember the Harry Potter shots in Klimax \;)


||| TRAVEL |||


For o ut of towners\, if you are coming by train to Antwerp Central Station\, yo u can cross the Astridplein and there are several trams above or undergrou nd that you can take to get near the venue. On foot it's about 20 minutes walking. You all have smartphones and you can figure it out\, but if you w ant specific instructions reach out via the channels listed below.


If you're coming by car\, parking is very tricky. A law was recently pass ed that if you do not live in Antwerp\, you are not allowed to park on the streets Monday through Saturday (although Sunday is totally free)\, and t he fines are quite hefty. If you want to park in the area I would recommen d Q-Park Godefriduskaai which is a 10 minute walk from the venue. The best value option is to park in one of the many P+R (Park and Ride) spots just outside the city. They are very cheap and your parking ticket also allows you to use public transport for free throughout the weekend.

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||| JACK IN |||


Stay connected and be on top of any updates we post! Meet up with fellow travellers to Antwerp\, find lodgings\, meet up for games!\nFacebook:\ nStimhack Slack: channel #belgian-nationals\nDiscord: Hp4g5ZWuR


Hope to see all you hot-handed cyberwarriors jamming the Belgian mainframes\, this is me Cluster Fox\, jacking out.