BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:4457alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=America/Toronto:20241019T170000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=America/Toronto:20241019T235900 URL: SUMMARY:Learn to play GNK CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:Learn to Play Netrunner - Ontario\nCome join us at Bootown Stra tford at 5:00 pm for a fun event where you can learn how to play the popul ar card game\, Netrunner!\nNetrunner is a two-player asymmetric card game set in a dystopian future where four megacorporations control almost every aspect of daily life. Legendary hackers known as “runners” aim to fig ht the corps’ influence by hacking into their servers and preventing the m from advancing their sinister agendas.\nIn Netrunner\, one player takes the role of the Corp\, whose tools include corporate assets and defensive programs called “ice”. Using tools like these and the element of surpr ise\, the Corp aims to advance their agendas to completion. Across the tab le\, the Runner‘s objective is to infiltrate the Corp’s servers and st eal their agendas\, and they’ll draw on their resources\, specialty hard ware\, and programs to do so. Of course\, the Runner is no threat if they ’re dead\, so a canny Corp may also attempt to “flatline” their oppo nent through damage—while the Runner’s secondary path to victory is st alling the Corp long enough that they run out of opportunities.\nNetrunner is a game designed for customization. Players can pick from dozens of Run ner and Corp identity cards\, each with their own unique abilities\, and b uild custom decks around them. A unique “influence” system allows play ers to import a small number of cards into their deck from different facti ons\, with the more distinctive cards typically costing more of that scarc e deckbuilding resource. A meticulous Criminal might adopt an Anarch’s d estructive tools\, but they can’t take them all—they must carefully se lect what’s most important to their strategy!\nCan the Runner see throug h the Corp’s bluffs and emerge victorious from their netspace siege\, or will the Corp tighten their grip upon the world? Find out by playing Netr unner.\nAll participants and volunteers must agree to the Null Signal Game s Code of Conduct.\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:
Learn to Play Netrunner - Ontario
\nC ome join us at Bootown Stratford at 5:00 pm for a fun event where you can learn how to play the popular card game\, Netrunner!
\nNetrunner is a two-player asymmetric card game set in a dystopian future where four meg acorporations control almost every aspect of daily life. Legendary hackers known as “runners” aim to fight the corps’ influence by hacking int o their servers and preventing them from advancing their sinister agendas.
\nIn Netrunner\, one player takes the role of the Corp\, whose tool s include corporate assets and defensive programs called “ice”. Using tools like these and the element of surprise\, the Corp aims to advance th eir agendas to completion. Across the table\, the Runner‘s objective is to infiltrate the Corp’s servers and steal their agendas\, and they’ll draw on their resources\, specialty hardware\, and programs to do so. Of course\, the Runner is no threat if they’re dead\, so a canny Corp may a lso attempt to “flatline” their opponent through damage—while the Ru nner’s secondary path to victory is stalling the Corp long enough that t hey run out of opportunities.
\nNetrunner is a game designed for cus tomization. Players can pick from dozens of Runner and Corp identity cards \, each with their own unique abilities\, and build custom decks around th em. A unique “influence” system allows players to import a small numbe r of cards into their deck from different factions\, with the more distinc tive cards typically costing more of that scarce deckbuilding resource. A meticulous Criminal might adopt an Anarch’s destructive tools\, but they can’t take them all—they must carefully select what’s most importan t to their strategy!
\nCan the Runner see through the Corp’s bluff s and emerge victorious from their netspace siege\, or will the Corp tight en their grip upon the world? Find out by playing Netrunner.
\nAll p articipants and volunteers must agree to the Null Signal Games Code of Con duct.