BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:4452alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=Europe/London:20241026T110000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=Europe/London:20241026T235900 URL: stirling-scotland LOCATION:40B Cowane St\, Stirling FK8 1JR\, UK SUMMARY:Halloween Ghost Runner CO - Stirling\, Scotland CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:Come along and haunt some servers this Halloween season!\nWill you Trick or Treat Shot your way to victory?\nThe CO will be held at Commo n Ground Games (CGG) in Stirling\, Scotland.\nIt is being jointly organise d by RoseKolodny and SpaceGhost.\nPrizes\nPrize kit is the 2023 H2 Circuit Opener. There will also be a range of additional and supplementary prizes on offer\, including participation prizes. Further details of these will be released soon.\nFormat etc\nCard legality is NSG standard. Current stan dard ban list will be in effect.\nProxies (including print &\; play) ar e welcome.\nThe format will be 4 round of Swiss (no top cut)\, with a brea k for lunch.\nThe NSG Code of Conduct will be in play during the event.\nR egistration Fees\nFees will be payable on arrival.\nTournament registratio n: £10.\nThere is also a charge per person for entry from the venue\, as follows:\n\nEntry only: £6\nEntry plus lunch: £12\n\nThe registration fe e for the CO has been set in light of the venue entry charge\, and so that enhanced prize support can be offered beyond the official prize kit. In e ffect\, the total participation fee will be £16\, and you can get your lu nch for an extra £6.\nLunch orders will be taken on arrival. Click for mo re details of CGG's cafe.\nFurther details to be communicated soon.\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:

Come along and haunt some servers this Hal loween season!


Will you Trick or Treat Shot your way to v ictory?


The CO will be held at Common Ground Games (CGG) in Stirling\, Scotlan d.


It is being jointly organised by RoseKolodny and SpaceGhost.




Prize kit is the 2023 H2 Circuit Opener. There will also be a range of additional a nd supplementary prizes on offer\, including participation prizes. Further details of these will be released soon.


Format etc


Card legality is NSG standard. Current standard ban list will be in effect.


Proxies (including print &\; play) are welcome.


The forma t will be 4 round of Swiss (no top cut)\, with a break for lunch.


The NSG Code o f Conduct will be in play during the event.


Registration Fees


Fees will be payable on arrival.


Tournament registration : £10.


There is also a charge per person for entry from the venue \, as follows:


The registration fee for the CO has been set in light of the venue entry charge\, and so that enhanced prize support can be off ered beyond the official prize kit. In effect\, the total participation fe e will be £16\, and you can get your lunch for an extra £6.


Lunc h orders will be taken on arrival. Click for more details of CGG's cafe.


Further details to be communicated soon.