BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:4448alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=America/Edmonton:20241214T123000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=America/Edmonton:20241214T235900 URL: aughty-and-nice-funtimes LOCATION:9620 Elbow Dr SW #20\, Calgary\, AB T2V 1M2\, Canada SUMMARY:Calgary 2024 Q4 GNK XMAS Naughty and Nice Funtimes CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:This casual and fun Xmas themed event (wear your santa hats\, x mas sweaters\, festive hot dog suits!) will feature Jack's Naughty &\; Nice list proposal.\nFor this event you must build a deck for each side th at contains none of the cards from the Naughty list and at least one card that you did not add to the Nice list. You can find the original document here Fgjr02JNzM/edit?usp=sharing these lists have been replicated below for con venience.\nPrizing will be the unofficial ones listed below\, this was ori ginally intended to by supported by the 2024 Q4 kit but it will not arrive in time. This will instead be supported from my stash.\n\nRunner - Naught y List\nYou cannot include any of these cards in your deck\n•Self-modify ing Code\n•Steelskin Scarring\n•Hermes\n•Arruaceiras Crew\n•Tricks hot\n•Swift\n•Arissana Rocha Nahu: Street Artist\n•DJ Fenris\n•Cat aloguer\n\nRunner - Nice List\nYou must include at least one of these card s in your deck that you did not add to the list\n•Guinea Pig\n•Pelangi \n•The Back\n•Rosetta 2.0\n•Cordyceps\n•Gachapon\n•Raindrops Cut Stone\n•Penumbral Toolkit\n•Heliamphora\n\nCorp - Naughty List\n*You cannot include any of these cards in your deck*\n•Spin Doctor\n•Projec t Vitruvius\n•Oppo Research\n•Tatu Bola\n•Manegarm Skunkworks\n•Ph aros\n•The Holo Man\n•Rashida Jaheem\n•Punitive Counterstrike\n\nCor p - Nice List\nYou must include at least one of these cards in your deck t hat you did not add to the list\n•Meteor Mining\n•Kakurenbo\n•MCA Au sterity Policy\n•Janaína “JK” Dumont Kindelán\n•Regulatory Captu re\n•Digital Rights Management\n•Government Subsidy\n•Tithe\n•Your Digital Life\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:

This casual and fun Xmas themed event (wear your santa hats\, xmas sweaters\, festive hot dog suits!) will feature Ja ck's Naughty &\; Nice list proposal.


For this event you must build a deck for each side that contains none of the cards from the Naughty list and at least one card that you did not add to the Ni ce list. You can find the original document here ocument/d/1SLmstpGiL0aTJyKdpctCxM3oyIHib3HRxFgjr02JNzM/edit?usp=sharing th ese lists have been replicated below for convenience.


Prizing will be the unofficial ones listed below\, this was originally intended to by supported by the 2024 Q4 kit but it will not arrive in time. This will ins tead be supported from my stash.


Runner - Naughty List


You cannot include any of these cards in your deck\n•Self-modifying Code\n•Steelskin Scarring\n•Hermes\n•Ar ruaceiras Crew\n•Trickshot\n•Swift\n•Arissana Rocha Nahu: Street Art ist\n•DJ Fenris\n•Cataloguer


Runner - Nice Li st


You must include at least one of these cards in y our deck that you did not add to the list\n•Guinea Pig\n•Pelangi\ n•The Back\n•Rosetta 2.0\n•Cordyceps\n•Gachapon\n•Raindrops Cut Stone\n•Penumbral Toolkit\n•Heliamphora


Corp - Naughty List


*You cannot include any of these cards in your deck*\n•Spin Doctor\n•Project Vitruvius\n•Oppo Research\n•Ta tu Bola\n•Manegarm Skunkworks\n•Pharos\n•The Holo Man\n•Rashida Ja heem\n•Punitive Counterstrike


Corp - Nice List< /strong>


You must include at least one of these cards in your deck that you did not add to the list\n•Meteor Mining\n•Kakurenb o\n•MCA Austerity Policy\n•Janaína “JK” Dumont Kindelán\n•Regu latory Capture\n•Digital Rights Management\n•Government Subsidy\n•Ti the\n•Your Digital Life