BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:4447alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=America/Edmonton:20241005T103000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=America/Edmonton:20241005T235900 URL: ener LOCATION:1835 10 Ave SW\, Calgary\, AB T3C 0K2\, Canada SUMMARY:Calgary 2024 H2 Circuit Opener CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:This will be a STANDARD format event.\nEntry: $15 either cash o r EMT (to to cover the kit costs\nLocation: Sentry Box\, Mezzanine level on the left immediately as you come in the main door s.\nWhat you need to bring!\n\nYourself and entry fee :)\nBoth a legal STA NDARD Corp and Runner deck\nEach deck should be uniformly sleeved in opaqu e backed sleeves\nCounters\, dice and tokens to track effects\, credits et c\nLast years Magnet and Moshing cards for replacement\n\nWhat you need to know!\n\n\nSingle sided swiss format [you will play an opponent with only one deck]\nDuration will depend on the number of attendees but plan for t he whole afternoon minimum\nEach match time will be 40 minutes\, there wil l be a visible count down\, time will be called at 5 minutes and again whe n complete\nWhen time is called the active player finishes their turn and their opponent gets a final turn\nMatches are won via Runner Flatline\, 7 Agenda points or in the case of time being called\, most Agenda points\n\n Match Reporting\n\nMatch winners will report the results to the TO at the end of the round and confirm results entered\nMatches will be recorded in Aesops Tables. Round results and next matches can be confirmed by attendee s through the event\n\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:
This will be a STANDARD fo rmat event.
\nEntry: $15 either cash or EMT (to her to cover the kit costs
\nLocation: Sentry Box\, Mezzanine level on the left immediately as you come in th e main doors.