BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:4433alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20240913T180000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20240913T235900 URL: etrunner LOCATION:4707 Liberty Ave\, Pittsburgh\, PA 15224\, USA SUMMARY:Pittsburgh Learn to Play Netrunner CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:Pittsburgh Netrunners is hosting a learn to play event for Andr oid Netrunner in partnership with Mimic's Market in Bloomfield! There will also be a tournament on September 28th for anyone interested in getting d eeper into the game!\nCome hack into corporation servers to steal their mo st coveted secrets. Or if world domination is more your speed\, invest th e right time and resources into the next great corporate initiative to pro fit beyond your wildest dreams!\nCards/decks will be provided as well as t okens to play with! First few participants will leave with their very own click trackers. Bring yourself (and a friend) a beginner's mindset\, and a will to have a great time playing the greatest game ever created.\nMimic' s Market does sell Netrunner product on its shelves if you are interested in continuing the run afterwards \;)\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:
Pittsburgh Netrunners is hosting a learn to play event for Android Netrunner in partnership with Mimic's Market in Bl oomfield! There will also be a tournament on September 28th for anyone int erested in getting deeper into the game!
\nCome hack into corporatio n servers to steal their most coveted secrets. Or if world domination is m ore your speed\, invest the right time and resources into the next great corporate initiative to profit beyond your wildest dreams!
\nCards/d ecks will be provided as well as tokens to play with! First few participan ts will leave with their very own click trackers. Bring yourself (and a fr iend) a beginner's mindset\, and a will to have a great time playing the g reatest game ever created.
\nMimic's Market does sell Netrunner prod uct on its shelves if you are interested in continuing the run afterwards \;)