BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:4431alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=America/Vancouver:20240928T113000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=America/Vancouver:20240928T235900 URL: LOCATION:723 Yates St\, Victoria\, BC V8W 1L6\, Canada SUMMARY:IBGC Q1\, Q2 & Q3 GN Tourney CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:Q1\, Q2 and Q3 GNK tourney time in Victoria! We have a pile of prizes to give out! There will also be prizing from: 2023 H2 Circuit Opene r (Moshing/Magnets)\, 2024 H1 kit\, 2024 H2 boosted kit. Extra cards from past Worlds events and I have some old playmats from the FFG days I will p rob throw into the mix as well!\nCafe opens at 11am on Saturday the 28th\, so runs will begin promptly at 11:30.\nFormat will be standard\, Single S ided Swiss. 40 minute rounds. Number of rounds will depend on the turnout (most likely 6).\nAesop’s Tables link: \nPrice is $25 a person which includes the $7 stay and play fee to the caf e. $18 of the entrance fee goes back into Dave's Netrunner prizing coffers for next year :)\nYou will just need to pay the full amount at the front and then the cafe will pay out Dave for the money he spent on prizes.\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:

Q1\, Q2 and Q3 GNK tourney time in Victoria ! We have a pile of prizes to give out! There will also be prizing from: 2 023 H2 Circuit Opener (Moshing/Magnets)\, 2024 H1 kit\, 2024 H2 boosted ki t. Extra cards from past Worlds events and I have some old playmats from t he FFG days I will prob throw into the mix as well!


Cafe opens at 11am on Saturday the 28th\, so runs will begin promptly at 11:30.


Format will be standard\, Single Sided Swiss. 40 minute rounds. Number of rounds will depend on the turnout (most likely 6).


Aesop’s Table s link:


Price is $25 a person wh ich includes the $7 stay and play fee to the cafe. $18 of the entrance fee goes back into Dave's Netrunner prizing coffers for next year :)


You will just need to pay the full amount at the front and then the cafe w ill pay out Dave for the money he spent on prizes.