BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:4425alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=America/Los_Angeles:20241018T093000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=America/Los_Angeles:20241018T235900 URL: -tournament LOCATION:5 Embarcadero Ctr\, San Francisco\, CA 94111\, USA SUMMARY:2024 Crown of Servers Team Tournament CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:2024 Crown of Servers Team Tournament\nTicket Purchase Link\nDa y 1 of the World Championship Weekend. No Decklists.\nThis event will be r un as a *5 rounds double-sided swiss tournament.\nThis will be a 3-person team tournament in the style of grand ol’ King of Servers. Submit your t eam’s info via this Google Form. Everyone on your team must have purcha sed their own weekend pass to participate. You can also use the "\;fin d a teammate"\; tab if you're looking for a team or missing a teammate . Alternatively you can check out the appropriate channel on the Worlds 20 24 Discord server.\nTeams will be required to represent three distinct Run ner factions (Anarch\, Criminal\, Shaper\, Nova Initiumia) with no duplica tes on the team. Teams will also need to represent 3 distinct Corp faction s (Haas Bioroid\, Jiteki\, NBN\, Weyland\, Ampère) with no duplicates.\nF or those unfamiliar with how this traditionally works\, teams will be pair ed based on their combined win/loss records\, then players will pair off i ndividually in order of highest ranked players to lowest ranked players wi thin their teams. We won't be strictly enforcing individual pairings\, but generally we expect the best players to duel each other unless there's pe rsonal scores to settle.\nTable talk and banter are fully allowed\, includ ing showing cards to your teammates. This more in the spirit of fun and te amwork than someone literally piloting decks that aren't theirs\, so teams are allowed to call judges for slow play and observation if there's suspe cted abuse of this rule. During the last 5 minutes of each round\, all tab le talk is expected to cease.\nLinks\nEventbrite Ticket Purchasing Page\nW orlds 2024 Discord Server\nNSG Code of Conduct\nNSG OP Policies &\; Flo or Rules\nNSG Standard Format\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:

2024 Crown of Servers Team Tournament


Ticket Purchase Link


Day 1 of the World Championship Weekend. No Decklists.


This event will be run as a *5 rounds double-sided swiss tournament.


This w ill be a 3-person team tournament in the style of grand ol’ King of Servers. Submit your team’s info via this Google Form. Everyone on your team must have purchased their own weekend pass to participate. You can also use the &quo t\;find a teammate"\; tab if you're looking for a team or missing a te ammate. Alternatively you can check out the appropriate channel on the Worlds 2024 Discord server.


Teams will be required to represent three distinct Runner fac tions (Anarch\, Criminal\, Shaper\, Nova Initiumia) with no duplicates on the team. Teams will also need to repres ent 3 distinct Corp factions (Haas Bioroid\, Jiteki\, NBN\, Weyla nd\, Ampère) with no duplicates.


For those unfam iliar with how this traditionally works\, teams will be paired based on th eir combined win/loss records\, then players will pair off individually in order of highest ranked players to lowest ranked players within their tea ms. We won't be strictly enforcing individual pairings\, but generally we expect the best players to duel each other unless there's personal scores to settle.


Table talk and banter are fully allowed\, including sho wing cards to your teammates. This more in the spirit of fun and teamwork than someone literally piloting decks that aren't theirs\, so teams are al lowed to call judges for slow play and observation if there's suspected ab use of this rule. During the last 5 minutes of each round\, all table talk is expected to cease.




Eventbrite Ticket Purchasing Page\nWorlds 2024 Discord Server\nNSG Code of Conduct\ nNSG OP Policies &\; Floor Rules\nNSG Standard Format