BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:4420alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=America/Denver:20240928T110000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=America/Denver:20240928T235900 URL: ner-h2-2024-elysium LOCATION:10800 W Alameda Ave\, Lakewood\, CO 80226\, USA SUMMARY:Colorado South Circuit Opener H2 2024 @ Elysium CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:The official Circuit Opener for Southern Colorado\, in Standard format! While this is a sanctioned Null Signal tournament\, it's nonethel ess casual-tier\, and new/returning players are encouraged to join. Proxie s\, deck suggestions\, and even full loaner decks are available on request .\nRegistration begins at 10:30am\, with a hard start at 11 am (but please get in touch if you're running late). Entry fee is $5\, and every attende e will go home with multiple prizes. Format is six rounds of single-sided Swiss\, with a break for lunch after round 3. If attendance is 16+\, we wi ll conclude with a double-elimination Top 4 cut (probably after a dinner b reak).\nThe top table will also be live-streamed on Twitch (details TBD)\, though we'll check before every round that both players consent\; no one will be on stream who doesn't want to be.\nThe community is active on Disc ord\, come say hi!\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:

The official Circuit Opener for Southern Co lorado\, in Standard format! While this is a sanctioned Null Signal tourna ment\, it's nonetheless casual-tier\, and new/returning players are encour aged to join. Proxies\, deck suggestions\, and even full loaner decks are available on request.


Registration begins at 10:30am\, with a hard start at 11 am (but please get in touch if you're running late). Entry fe e is $5\, and every attendee will go home with multiple prizes. Format is six rounds of single-sided Swiss\, with a break for lunch after round 3. I f attendance is 16+\, we will conclude with a double-elimination Top 4 cut (probably after a dinner break).


The top table will also be live- streamed on Twitch (details TBD)\, though we'll check before every round t hat both players consent\; no one will be on stream who doesn't want to be .


The community is active on Discord\, come say hi! https://discor