BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:4408alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=Europe/London:20240914T111000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=Europe/London:20240914T235900 URL: ept LOCATION:35-39 London St\, Reading RG1 4PS\, UK SUMMARY:Reading Monthly GNK (2024-SEPT) CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:Come one come all to the inaugural monthly (hopefully) Reading GNK on the Second Saturday (14th) of September!\nThe Reading Meta is headi ng into a resurgence at the moment\, and we hope this event can be a great opportunity for heads new and old to bash together in an exciting and reg ular event.\nWe're hoping to see good turnout both from the fledgling new- player meta formed at Reading Indie Gamers\, the established players meeti ng and organising in the #ReadOx channel on the stimhack slack\, and our a rms wide open to attendees from our sibling-metas in Aldershot\, Oxford\, and London\, or even further afield!\nLocation: RISC Conference Hall (go d own the alleyway next to RISC)\nFormat: Standard\nStructure: 6 rounds of S ingle Sided Swiss\nStart Time: 11am\nTicket Price: Free\nPrizing\nParticip ation: Regolith Mining License (Single) by Benjamin Giletti [2024 GNK Q1]\ nTop 4: Maw (Single) by Elizaveta Sokolova [2024 GNK Q1]\nTop 2: Whichever prize top placement doesn't take\nTop 1: Either Stained Glass Style PD or Stained Glass Style Tao by Kalypso\nWhile the event is free\, voluntary c ontributions to help us cover the cost of prizing and the venue would be g reatly appreciated if and only if you are financially secure and can affor d it.\nPlayers of all experience level are welcome! If you're a completely new player\, come along to a Reading Indie Gamers weekly meetup at the Bi scuit Factory from 6pm on a Tuesday\, and we can teach you the game and he lp you get set up with competitive decks!\nSchedule\n10:50 Registration \n11:00 Round 1\n11:50 Round 2\n12:40 Round 3\n13:30 Lunch\n14 :20 Round 4\n15:10 Round 5\n16:00 Round 6\n16:50 Prizes\n\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:

Come one come all to the inaugural monthly (hopefully) Reading GNK on the Second Saturday (14th) of September !


The Reading Meta is heading into a resurgence at the mo ment\, and we hope this event can be a great opportunity for heads new and old to bash together in an exciting and regular event.


We're hopi ng to see good turnout both from the fledgling new-player meta formed at < a href=\"\">Reading Indie Gamers\, the estab lished players meeting and organising in the #ReadOx channel on the stimhack slack\, a nd our arms wide open to attendees from our sibling-metas in Aldershot\, O xford\, and London\, or even further afield!


Location: RISC Conference Hall (go down the alleyway next to RISC)\nFo rmat: Standard\nStructure: 6 rounds of Single Si ded Swiss\nStart Time: 11am\nTicket Price: Free


Prizing\nParticipation: Regolith Mining L icense (Single) by Benjamin Giletti [2024 GNK Q1]\nTop 4: Maw (Single) by Elizaveta Sokolova [2024 GNK Q1]\nTop 2: Whichever prize top placement doe sn't take\nTop 1: Either Stained Glass Style PD or Stained Glass Style Tao by Kalypso


While the event is free\, voluntary contributions to h elp us cover the cost of prizing and the venue would be greatly appreciate d if and only if you are financially secure and can afford it.


Pla yers of all experience level are welcome! If you're a completely new playe r\, come along to a Reading Indie Gamers weekly meetup at the Biscuit Fact ory from 6pm on a Tuesday\, and we can teach you the game and help you get set up with competitive decks!



\n10:50 Registration\n11:00 Round 1\n11:50 Round 2\n12:40 Round 3\n13:30 Lunch\n14:20 Round 4\n15:10 Round 5\n16:00 Ro und 6\n16:50 Prizes\n\n DTSTAMP:20241222T084017Z BEGIN:VALARM TRIGGER:-PT120M ACTION:DISPLAY DESCRIPTION:Reading Monthly GNK (2024-SEPT) END:VALARM END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR